150+ Roasts To Roast Your Big Brother (Sibling Relationship)

Sibling relationships are complex ties that involve a wide range of feelings, such as love, friendship, and even the occasional joke or lighthearted banter. One custom among the many ways that siblings engage with one another is roasting. Roasting your big brother is a subtle art form that demands skill and understanding to preserve the delicate balance between humour and affection. It’s not just about making jokes or jesting.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Art of Roasting

At its core, roasting is a lighthearted form of humour that involves lightly criticizing or making fun of someone. It uses astute observations and deft language, frequently tapping into inner jokes or shared experiences to make people laugh. But the secret to roasting well is its purpose; it should always stem from a place of love and friendship rather than hate or bad intent. 

150 Roasts to roast your big brother

Physical Appearance Roasts

  1. You’d look like a zipper if you put out your tongue and turned sideways like that!
  2. Some toothpicks are more muscular than you!
  3. Arnold Schwarzenegger is who you would be if brains were muscles.
  4. Do you only eat seafood? because you’re still thin and I can see food!
  5. When your reflection contacted you, it claimed it was sick of attempting to make you appear attractive.
  6. You resemble a human beanpole in that you are tall, skinny, and devoid of any muscle!
  7. Unfortunately, you weren’t in the photo because they say the camera adds 10 pounds!
  8. You appear too overweight to be a skeleton because you are so thin!
  9. If you were any thinner, you’d disappear when you turned sideways!
  10. You demonstrate that being lightweight doesn’t require physical strength!

Personality Traits roast

  1. You wouldn’t need to strive to win the gold medal if procrastination were an Olympic sport!
  2. You can’t stop talking about yourself; you sound like a broken record!
  3. You must have missed the memo that patience is a virtue!
  4. You would be serving a life sentence if being lazy were a crime!
  5. You resemble a human Siri in that you’re constantly present yet infrequently helpful.
  6. You resemble a human mood ring in that no one understands why your hue constantly changes! 
  7. You would be horizontal if you were more relaxed!
  8. You’re so contradictory that you almost seem like a walking paradox!
  9. Unfortunately, you’re still waiting! They say that wonderful things come to those who wait!
  10. You can do as you like, whenever you choose, and no one can stop you—just like a cat! 

Quirks and Habits Roast

  1. You have a flair for losing stuff more frequently than anyone I’ve ever seen!
  2. In the kitchen, you’re like a tornado—you leave devastation in your wake!
  3. Should procrastination be a sport, you would win hands out!
  4. You seem to attract ill luck to you like a human magnet; it follows you around!
  5. You act one way and talk another, like a walking contradiction!
  6. You would be Superman if forgetfulness were a superpower!
  7. You constantly move slowly and snooze, just like a human sloth!
  8. Should decision-making be a sport, you would win the entire world!
  9. Like a human echo, you repeat what other people say!
  10. You enter the scene, cause mayhem, and leave everyone perplexed—you’re like a human hurricane! 

Childhood Memories Roasts

  1. Do you recall trying to convince Mom that you were ill to avoid attending school? Regretfully, she didn’t agree!
  2. Ah, the recollections of your abortive bike rides – no wonder you made it through childhood!
  3. Not to mention the enjoyable moment you tried to make dinner and accidentally triggered the smoke alarm!
  4. You were the queen of tantrums; you enjoyed nothing more than to have a fit!
  5. I’ll always remember the classic incident where you were stranded in a tree, and the fire department had to rescue you!
  6. Do you recall trying to prove to everyone that you were a ninja? Yes, good attempt! 
  7. That time you thought you could fly and leapt over the roof was quite a sight, and it still gives me nightmares!
  8. Let’s say you lost the age-old game of “Who can eat the most hot sauce?”!
  9. Do you recall the day you attempted to play phone tag with your neighbour but accidentally dialled 911? Yes, that was a bad ending!
  10. Who could forget the day you attempted to construct a rocket and unintentionally caught fire in the garage? That one still has Mom and Dad furious! 

Achievements and Failures Roasts

  1. Congratulations! How long did you finally learn how to tie your shoes?
  2. When getting out of bed is your biggest accomplishment, you know you’re an adult!
  3. Cheers to the man who can burn water—you are a culinary prodigy!
  4. It’s almost impressive how dramatically you fail, something I’ve never seen in others!
  5. Do you recall the last time you attempted a parallel park and accidentally struck the car in front of and behind you? Traditional!
  6. Congratulations, I suppose, as I’ve heard that your face will be featured on a billboard titled “World’s Okayest Employee.”
  7. You put things off more than anyone I’ve ever seen; it’s as if you have an allergy to doing tasks! 
  8. I’ve heard that the “participation trophy” will henceforth be known as the “close enough” award in your honour!
  9. Everyone is said to have a secret ability, so yours is coming up with inventive ways to fail every time!
  10. You resemble a walking catastrophe, causing mayhem wherever you go! 

Family Dynamics Roasts

  1. You always seem to be coming up with new ways to cause trouble—you’re like the family’s resident troublemaker!
  2. You’re pulling the pranks in the family, if there are any!
  3. You constantly stand out for the wrong reasons, much like the family’s ugly sheep!
  4. You’re like a storm regarding family get-togethers—you leave devastation in your wake!
  5. You’re the first to disobey any rules in the family—you’re very rebellious! 
  6. You constantly have jokes to tell, even when no one else is laughing! You’re like the family’s personal comic!
  7. You can bet your last dime that you’re the one who made the mess in the house!
  8. Like the family’s drama queen, you always get worked up over the littlest things!
  9. Trouble seems to follow you everywhere regarding family vacations like a magnet!
  10. You can bet your bottom dollar that you’re in the middle of a calamity waiting to happen! 

Inside Jokes Roasts

  1. Do you recall when you attempted to win over your crush and dripped Coke all over yourself? Traditional!
  2. Oh, the pleasant recollections of that camping trip with the family when you got lost, and we had to organize a search team!
  3. Not to be forgotten is the classic occasion when we attempted to bake a cake and accidentally set off the fire alarm!
  4. Do you recall the time we attempted to have a movie night, and you slept off in the first five minutes? Fun times!
  5. Ahh, the memories of the day you insisted on asking for directions when we were lost in the city—classic!
  6. Not to mention the fun time we had when we attempted to picnic, only to have ants assault us! 
  7. Do you recall the time you spent more time on the ice than on your feet when we attempted to go ice skating? Traditional!
  8. Ahh, the classic recollections of that first sunburn day on the family vacation!
  9. Not to mention the fantastic time we had when we attempted a BBQ and burned the hamburgers!
  10. Do you recall the time we attempted to have a game night, but you insisted on creating your own rules? Traditional! 

Shared Experiences Roasts

  1. Do you recall the day we got lost in the city, and you insisted on showing us how to lead us astray?
  2. Ahh, the happy memories of that attempt at building a treehouse that turned into a mess of splintered planks!
  3. Not to be forgotten is the legendary occasion when we attempted to bake cookies and ultimately burned them to a crisp!
  4. Do you recall the day we attempted to enjoy a picnic but were unexpectedly caught in a thunderstorm? Fun times!
  5. Oh, the good old days of our family road trip when we broke down for petrol in the middle of nowhere!
  6. Not to mention the enjoyable time we had when we went fishing; all we caught was seaweed! 
  7. Do you recall when we attempted to host a game night but spent hours debating the rules? Traditional!
  8. Oh, the pleasant recollections of our skiing excursion when you spent more time on your rear end than your skis.
  9. Not to be forgotten is the memorable occasion when we attempted to have a BBQ and ended up lighting the grill on fire!
  10. Do you recall the day we attempted camping, and a raccoon chased us? Fun times! 

Future Predictions Roasts

  1. You will likely continue to live with your parents well into your 40s; they will require a larger home!
  2. You will get married once you’re well into your 50s, and your video gaming system will be your only spouse!
  3. You’ll work at this pointless job well into your 60s before retiring. What is that?
  4. I think you’ll be wearing socks and sandals well into your 70s—some fashion trends never go out of style!
  5. Who needs actual food anyway? I anticipate you’ll be eating microwave dinners far into your 80s.
  6. You’ll be the oldest gamer in town, and I bet you’ll be playing video games long into your 90s! 
  7. Well into your 100s, you’ll still sleep till noon since certain habits are hard to overcome!
  8. Some things never change, so I anticipate you’ll continue making Mom and Dad crazy long into your 110s!
  9. Some memories don’t stick. Therefore, I anticipate you’ll forget your keys long into your 120s!
  10. I think you’ll be putting things off well into your 130s. Some habits never go away! 

Sibling Rivalry Roasts

  1. You’d win without trying if there’s a competition for who can procrastinate the longest!
  2. When it comes to arguing, you’re like a lawyer – always ready to debate, even if you’re wrong!
  3. If there’s a challenge to see who can eat the most pizza, I’d put my money on you – you’re like a bottomless pit!
  4. When it comes to playing video games, you’re like a ninja – quick, stealthy, and always one step ahead!
  5. If there’s a contest to see who can come up with the best insults, you’re the undisputed champion!
  6. You’re like a magnet when it comes to humiliating moments—they seem to draw near to you!
  7. You’re undoubtedly ahead in the competition to see who can make Mom laugh the hardest!
  8. You’re like an old pro regarding sibling rivalry—always prepared for a fight!
  9. You can’t compete with my insomnia if there’s a contest to see who can stay up later!
  10. You’re like a mastermind when pulling practical jokes on me; you’re always thinking of new methods to make me suffer! 

Embarrassing Moments Roasts

  1. Do you recall the last time you sloshed your drink all over yourself while trying to impress your crush? Traditional!
  2. Good times! Ah, the recollections of that family get-together when you fell on your feet and crashed into the cake.
  3. Remember when you went to give a speech and realized you couldn’t remember your name? That was hilarious!
  4. Do you recall the time you attempted to pull an actual rabbit out of your hat while trying to do the magic trick?
  5. Ahh, the good old days of talent show recollections when you froze like a deer in headlights due to stage fright!
  6. Not to mention when you attempted to flirt but unintentionally offended the person—smart move! 
  7. Recall the day you attempted to dance and looked like a giraffe taking its first steps—classic!
  8. Ahh, the happy recollections of that attempt at parallel parking that resulted in you hitting every car on the road!
  9. Not to be forgotten is when you attempted karaoke and broke every glass in the house—classic!
  10. Recall the time you tried to impress your date to have food stuck in your teeth—nice move! 

Inspirational Quotes Roasts

  1. Should ‘doing your best’ be an Olympic competition, you would undoubtedly take home the gold!
  2. The saying is, “Never give up,” but in your situation, perhaps you ought to!
  3. Regretfully, “the early bird gets the worm” seems to apply more to night owls like you!
  4. Success is the best kind of retaliation, as they say; too bad you must wait for your turn!
  5. Since luck favours the brave, you should start taking some chances!
  6. Recall that “the only way to do great work is to love what you do”; unfortunately, you must work at a job you detest!
  7. As they say, “dream big,” but perhaps you could start with something more doable in this situation! 
  8. The proverb goes, “Failure is the stepping stone to success,” yet you’re trapped on the same rock in your situation!
  9. Recall that “your imagination is the only limit.” Unfortunately, it appears that your imagination is on vacation!
  10. “Life is what you make of it,” as they say, yet it looks like you’re messing it up in this situation! 

Secret Talents Roasts

  1. Ah, the secret talent of procrastinating like a pro – if only you, I wish you could make money from your ability to postpone like a pro. Ah, the hidden skill!
  2. Not to mention your hidden skill of finishing a pizza in one sitting—very remarkable but also a little unsettling!
  3. If only you made greater use of your hidden gift of locating the remote control in less than five seconds!
  4. Well, your ability to sleep through a cyclone is a secret talent. If only you could use it to your advantage!
  5. If only you had better taste in movies, we wouldn’t forget your hidden ability to quote word for word from your favourite production! 
  6. Recall your hidden skill of juggling three oranges; imagine how much more coordinated you may be in other aspects of your life!
  7. Ahh, the hidden skill of instantly thinking of the ideal justification – if only you were that inventive in other areas of your life!
  8. Not to mention your superpower of seeing the bright side of anything, even when it’s hidden beneath a pile of bad news!
  9. Recall your hidden skill of anticipating the arrival of the pizza delivery man—if only you could apply that wisdom to more pressing issues!
  10. The ability to produce a mean grilled cheese sandwich is a secret talent. If only you were as adept in the kitchen as you are with a frying pan!

Fashion Choices Roasts

  1. Should there be a fashion police, you would be their top suspect!
  2. I wish I could turn away from your fashion choices, but I can’t help but feel like a train wreck!
  3. When you can tell me what to wear and what not to, who needs a fashion magazine?
  4. You resemble a living fashion faux pas—the caution tape is the only item lacking!
  5. You’d be the current lousy taste champion if fashion were a game!
  6. I’ve seen scarecrows that are more stylish than you!
  7. Your attire is quite uncomfortable to see and feels like a poor sitcom!
  8. You would be lost in a maze of fashion trends if you didn’t have a guide!
  9. You’re locked in the past and won’t move forward like a fashion time machine! 
  10. You’re living proof that one cannot purchase common sense or style with money!

Tech Savvy Roasts

  1. You would be the clear winner if there were a contest for the oldest technology!
  2. You resemble a live tech support hotline—always willing to assist, yet infrequently successful!
  3. If being knowledgeable about technology was a marathon, you would never finish!
  4. Like a computer virus, you never stop breaking and wreaking havoc everywhere you go!
  5. If there were one, you would be the clear winner of the prize for the most ignorant IT user!
  6. You always seem to collapse at the worst time! You’re like a real-life version of the blue screen of death!
  7. You would be illiterate if tech devices were a foreign language!
  8. In a world when smartphones rule the roost, you’re as antiquated as a flip phone! 
  9. You would be the current champion if there were a contest for the slowest internet connection!
  10. Similar to a human spam filter, you are continuously filtering out important information and concentrating exclusively on the rubbish! 

Setting the Stage for Roasting

  • Gathering Material

It’s crucial to acquire the information that will form the basis of your roast before starting the roasting voyage with your older brother. These could be oddball behaviours, noteworthy events, or common childhood memories that beg to be explored humorously. Furthermore, adding a personal touch to your roast through inside jokes or family experiences can make it more approachable and interesting for your audience.

  • Choosing the Right Moment

When it comes to making fun of your big brother, timing is everything. Choose to spend time with your family or friends whenever possible during informal get-togethers or other happy times. Steer clear of touchy subjects or tense moments; roasting should always be enjoyable and uplifting for all parties.

Crafting the Roast

  • Choosing the Right Words

When crafting your roast, strike a balance between humour and sensitivity. While being witty and sharp with your remarks is essential, avoiding crossing boundaries or causing genuine offence is equally important. Choose your words carefully, ensuring they land as playful jabs rather than hurtful insults.

  • Utilizing Personal Anecdotes

Adding personal tales to your roast can turn it from a lighthearted joke to a moving homage. Talk about happy times, funny anecdotes, or cute little details that define your older brother’s character. You can demonstrate the depth of your friendship with your sibling and amuse your audience at the same time by using these anecdotes in your roast.

The Power of Timing and Delivery

  • Body Language

It takes confidence to deliver a roast. You capture your audience’s attention, stand tall, look them in the eye, and speak passionately. Use movements and facial expressions that highlight your punchlines to enhance your humorous delivery.

  • Audience Engageme

Include your audience in the discourse to keep them interested throughout your roast. Laughter should be encouraged, responses should be sought, and the room’s atmosphere should be observed. Making jokes isn’t the only thing that makes a roast successful; it also encourages a sense of unity and laughter among all those in attendance.

Dealing with Reactions

  • Handling Responses

Your older brother will react differently to every roast. Good-natured humour might make some people chuckle, but it can also make others feel defensive or sensitive. Be ready to respond to situations with poise and decency, understanding your sibling’s boundaries and any discomfort they may have voiced.

  • Maintaining Boundaries

Above all, be mindful of your big brother’s boundaries and sensitivities during the roast. Keep in mind his feelings at all times, and refrain from discussing anything truly harmful or off-limits. Recall that the purpose of roasting is to celebrate your relationship with your siblings, not to hurt or discomfort them.


In summary, roasting your elder brother is a time-honoured custom honouring the brothers’ special relationship. Roasting builds sibling relationships by promoting laughter, companionship, and treasured memories via wit, inventiveness, and loving humour. You may transform fun banter into a passionate ode to your big brother’s peculiarities and strengths by tackling roasting with care, respect, and a hint of humour.


Q. Is roasting suitable for every sibling relationship?

Relationships marked by affection, respect, and mutual trust are the ideal settings for roasting. If there are a lot of tensions or unsolved issues in your sibling relationship, roasting should be done sparingly or not at all.

Q. How do I ensure my roast doesn’t cross any boundaries?

Consider your older brother’s sensitivity and preferences before giving him your roast. Steer clear of jokes or subjects that could offend or upset him, and be open to any criticism or boundaries he lays down. 

Q. What if my big brother doesn’t appreciate being roasted?

Not everyone enjoys being the focus of attention or a laughing stock. If your older brother shows discomfort or distaste for roasting, honour his requests and find alternative methods to commemorate your special bond as siblings.

Q. Can roasting ever go too far?

Even though roasting is supposed to be enjoyable and lighthearted, it’s important to recognize the boundary between cruelty and humour. It’s time to back up and reconsider your strategy if your roast crosses the line into harmful territory or worries your larger brother.

Q. How can I make my roast memorable and meaningful?

Put inside jokes, personal tales, and sincere sentiments into your roast to show how close you are to your older brother. You may make a roast that evokes real compassion and laughter by adding a personal touch. 

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