We’ve all received unwanted texts at some point—whether from a random number, an ex, or a friend who just doesn’t know when to stop texting. It’s not always easy to figure out how to respond to these messages, especially when they’re annoying or just plain bizarre. Luckily, humor can be your best defense. This article presents 200+ funny responses to unwanted texts, ranging from witty one-liners to hilarious comebacks, in 20 different languages. Whether you’re looking for a clever retort or simply want to make your response more memorable, these responses will give you the perfect way to turn an awkward situation into a laugh.
Funny Responses to Unwanted Texts: Categories and Examples
Witty Responses
- “I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.”
- “I’m too busy being fabulous to listen to this.”
- “Can you speak up? I’m distracted by my own awesomeness.”
- “Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of my brilliance.”
- “Please hold, I’m trying to bask in my own greatness.”
- “¿Puedo llamarte más tarde? Estoy ocupando todo mi tiempo ignorando tu mensaje.” (Can I call you later? I’m busy ignoring your message.)
- “Ahora no, estoy demasiado ocupado ignorando todo lo demás.” (Not now, I’m too busy ignoring everything else.)
- “¡Vaya! Un mensaje tuyo. Mi día acaba de mejorar.” (Wow! A text from you. My day just got better.)
- “No puedo atenderte en este momento, estoy ocupado ignorando todo.” (I can’t attend to you right now, I’m busy ignoring everything.)
- “Te respondería, pero mi teléfono está ocupado haciendo cosas más importantes.” (I would reply, but my phone is busy doing more important things.)
- “Désolé, je ne parle pas à des gens qui n’ont pas d’emoji dans leur message.” (Sorry, I don’t talk to people who don’t have emojis in their messages.)
- “Je ne peux pas répondre à ton message sans une bonne dose d’emoji.” (I can’t respond to your message without a proper dose of emojis.)
- “Je suis désolé, mon vocabulaire ne couvre pas ceux qui n’utilisent pas d’émojis.” (Sorry, my vocabulary doesn’t cover those who don’t use emojis.)
- “Si tu ne mets pas d’émojis, je ne peux pas discuter avec toi.” (If you don’t use emojis, I can’t chat with you.)
- “Ton message sans emoji ne mérite même pas de réponse.” (Your message without emojis doesn’t even deserve a reply.)
- “Non ho tempo per le tue chiacchiere, ma grazie per il messaggio.” (I don’t have time for your chit-chat, but thanks for the message.)
- “Non posso rispondere, sto pensando a come ignorare meglio i messaggi.” (I can’t reply, I’m thinking about how to better ignore messages.)
- “Grazie per il messaggio, ma sono troppo impegnato ad ignorarti.” (Thanks for the message, but I’m too busy ignoring you.)
- “Mi piacerebbe rispondere, ma devo fare qualcosa di più interessante.” (I’d love to reply, but I need to do something more interesting.)
- “Grazie per il messaggio, ma sono in pausa dal resto del mondo.” (Thanks for the message, but I’m on a break from the rest of the world.)
- “O seu texto é como uma pizza fria, não tem mais graça.” (Your text is like a cold pizza, it’s not funny anymore.)
- “Este texto é como um café morno: sem gosto.” (This text is like lukewarm coffee: tasteless.)
- “Se eu quisesse ler algo entediante, teria lido uma bula de remédio.” (If I wanted to read something boring, I would have read a medication leaflet.)
- “Eu esperava mais, mas este texto não passa de um fracasso.” (I was expecting more, but this text is just a failure.)
- “Você perdeu a chance de ser engraçado com esse texto.” (You missed the chance to be funny with this text.)
Sarcastic Responses
- “Oh, wie aufregend. Ein Text von dir. Ich kann meine Begeisterung kaum in Worte fassen.” (Oh, how exciting. A text from you. I can hardly contain my excitement.)
- “Wie schön, noch ein Text von dir. Mein Herz schlägt schneller!” (How lovely, another text from you. My heart is racing!)
- “Wow, ein Text von dir! Das muss die spannendste Nachricht des Jahres sein.” (Wow, a text from you! This must be the most exciting message of the year.)
- “Ich kann kaum glauben, dass du mir gerade geschrieben hast. Ich bin überwältigt!” (I can hardly believe you just texted me. I’m overwhelmed!)
- “Oh, ein Text! Ich hoffe, du bist okay, das war wirklich unerwartet.” (Oh, a text! I hope you’re alright, that was really unexpected.)
Chinese (Simplified)
- “如果你再发一个消息,我会考虑给你发个感谢短信。” (If you send another message, I’ll consider sending you a thank you text.)
- “你再发一条消息,我会感到非常感谢。” (If you send another message, I’ll be really grateful.)
- “再发一个消息,我会开始写感谢信了。” (Send another message, I’ll start writing a thank-you letter.)
- “你的消息让我想写一篇感谢作文。” (Your message makes me want to write a thank-you essay.)
- “再发一条消息,我可能会送你一份感谢礼物。” (Send another message, I might send you a thank-you gift.)
- “Я так рад, что ты мне написал, прямо как в 1995 году.” (I’m so glad you texted me, just like it’s 1995.)
- “Ты снова написал мне? Прямо как в старые добрые времена!” (You wrote to me again? Just like the good old times!)
- “Твои сообщения такие радостные, как новости о 90-х!” (Your messages are as cheerful as news from the ‘90s!)
- “Ты мне написал! Мне нужно позвонить друзьям, чтобы поделиться этой новостью!” (You texted me! I need to call my friends to share this news!)
- “Вау, ты мне написал. Я не знал, что такие вещи еще происходят.” (Wow, you texted me. I didn’t know things like that still happen.)
- “أنت تتكلم أكثر من المروحة في الصيف.” (You talk more than a fan in the summer.)
- “حديثك لا ينتهي مثل المروحة التي تعمل طوال اليوم.” (Your talk never ends, like a fan running all day.)
- “إذا كانت كلماتك طاقة، كنت سأشعر بالحرارة طوال العام.” (If your words were energy, I’d be hot all year long.)
- “أنت أكثر حديثًا من جهاز التكييف في يوم حار.” (You talk more than an air conditioner on a hot day.)
- “هل لديك مفتاح لإيقاف كلامك، أو هو لا ينتهي؟” (Do you have a switch to stop your talking, or does it never end?)
- “तुम मेरी जिंदगी का सबसे अच्छा ‘नॉट’ हो!” (You’re the best ‘no’ in my life!)
- “तुमसे मिलने का मतलब है हर बात से इंकार करना!” (Meeting you means saying no to everything!)
- “तुम ‘नॉट’ के सबसे बड़े उदाहरण हो!” (You’re the biggest example of ‘no’!)
- “तुम मुझे ऐसा ‘नॉट’ दिखाते हो, जैसे कोई हीरो नहीं!” (You show me a ‘no’ like no hero ever will!)
- “तुम मेरी जिंदगी का सबसे बढ़िया ‘नॉट’ हो, और ये बेमिसाल है!” (You’re the best ‘no’ in my life, and it’s unmatched!)
Creative Responses
- “お前のテキストは、朝のコーヒーみたいに必要ないけど、逆に面白い。” (Your text is like morning coffee; I don’t need it, but it’s funny in a weird way.)
- “君のメッセージは、おかしさが不思議なほど面白い。” (Your message is weirdly funny in a way that’s hard to explain.)
- “君のメッセージは、毎朝のコーヒーよりも必要じゃないけど、それでも笑える。” (Your message is even less necessary than my morning coffee, but still makes me laugh.)
- “君のメッセージ、どこか不思議な面白さがある。” (Your message has some mysteriously funny charm to it.)
- “朝のコーヒーを飲みながら、君のメッセージを読む感じだ。” (Reading your message feels like drinking my morning coffee—unnecessary, but oddly entertaining.)
- “Είσαι σαν μια καραμέλα χωρίς γεύση, απλώς εκεί και άχρηστη.” (You’re like a candy without flavor, just there and useless.)
- “Σαν να είσαι γλυκό χωρίς ζάχαρη, απλώς υπάρχεις.” (It’s like being a sweet without sugar, you just exist.)
- “Είσαι σαν ένα βιβλίο χωρίς κείμενο, τίποτα να προσφέρεις.” (You’re like a book without text, offering nothing.)
- “Είσαι σαν ένα κινητό χωρίς σήμα, απλώς αχρηστο.” (You’re like a phone without signal, just useless.)
- “Όπως ένα ποτήρι νερό χωρίς γεύση, απλώς περνάς εκεί.” (Like a glass of water with no taste, you just pass by.)
- “Ik ben zo blij dat je me hebt ge-text, zei niemand ooit.” (I’m so glad you texted me, said no one ever.)
- “Het is een wonder dat je me hebt ge-text, ik ben zo verrast!” (It’s a miracle you texted me, I’m so surprised!)
- “Zei ooit iemand: ‘Wat fijn dat je me hebt ge-text’?” (Has anyone ever said, ‘How nice you texted me?’)
- “Wow, ik ben echt opgetogen dat je me ge-text hebt… niet!” (Wow, I’m really excited you texted me… not!)
- “Ik wist niet dat dit het soort berichten was waar ik op zat te wachten.” (I didn’t know this was the kind of message I was waiting for.)
- “Du är som en dörr som slår hela natten – jag kan inte sluta tänka på dig.” (You’re like a door slamming all night – I can’t stop thinking about you.)
- “Du slår som en dörr i vinden och jag kan inte låta bli att lyssna.” (You slam like a door in the wind, and I can’t help but listen.)
- “Jag kan inte få bort tanken på dig, du är som ett fönster som aldrig stängs.” (I can’t shake the thought of you, you’re like a window that never shuts.)
- “Som en dörr som slår hela natten, jag har inte kunnat tänka på annat.” (Like a door slamming all night, I can’t think of anything else.)
- “Du är som ett ljud som jag inte kan sluta höra, även när jag vill.” (You’re like a sound I can’t stop hearing, even when I want to.)
- “Bu kadar gereksiz bir mesaj gönderebilir misin?” (Can you send a more useless message?)
- “Buna ne gerek vardı? Gerçekten bir mesaj yazmak zorunda mıydın?” (Was this really necessary? Did you have to write a message?)
- “Bu kadar anlamsız bir mesaj, bana hiç zaman kaybettirmedi!” (Such a meaningless message, didn’t waste any of my time!)
- “Bir mesaj bu kadar gereksiz olabilir mi?” (Can a message be this unnecessary?)
- “Gönderebileceğin en gereksiz mesajı mı gönderdin?” (Did you send the most useless message you could?)
Polite but Funny Responses
- “Dzięki za wiadomość! Zajmuję się teraz czymś bardziej produktywnym, jak patrzenie w ścianę.” (Thanks for the message! I’m busy doing something more productive, like staring at the wall.)
- “Zajmuję się czymś naprawdę ważnym teraz, jak patrzenie na zegar.” (I’m doing something really important right now, like watching the clock.)
- “Dzięki za wiadomość, ale teraz mam zajęcia z patrzenia na podłogę.” (Thanks for the message, but I’m now busy with floor-watching class.)
- “Cieszę się, że napisałeś, ale mam inne pilne zadanie: oglądanie farby schnącej.” (Glad you wrote, but I have a more urgent task: watching paint dry.)
- “Dzięki! Właśnie robię coś bardziej angażującego, jak patrzenie w niebo.” (Thanks! I’m currently doing something more engaging, like staring at the sky.)
- “நான் சரி, ஆனால் இந்த அழைப்பு அனைத்தும் என்னை விட வேறொருவருக்கு அழைக்கிறது!” (I’m okay, but this call is getting answered by someone else!)
- “இந்த அழைப்பு நான் எடுத்துக் கொள்ளும் இல்லையா? ஏன் ஒருவேளை வேறொருவர் பதில் அளிக்கவில்லை.” (Is this call not going to be picked by me? Maybe someone else should answer.)
- “இந்த அழைப்பின் பார்வையில் நான் எனக்குத் தெரிந்தவரை, அது யாருக்காவது அழைப்பது என்று கூறுகிறது.” (In the view of this call, as far as I know, it’s telling someone else to answer.)
- “நான் இப்போது ஜோக்குகள் பார்க்கிறேன், எனவே இந்த அழைப்பு கொஞ்சம் காலமாக இருக்க வேண்டும்.” (I’m watching jokes right now, so this call needs to wait a bit.)
- “இது விட்டு நான் வேறொரு அழைப்புக்கு பதில் அளிக்கப் போகிறேன்!” (I’ll be answering another call, leave this one behind!)
- “তোমার মেসেজই পৃথিবীজুড়ে অনেক আলোচনা সৃষ্টি করেছে!” (Your message has caused a lot of discussion worldwide!)
- “তোমার মেসেজের পরে সকলের মধ্যে আলাপ শুরু হয়েছে!” (After your message, everyone started talking!)
- “এটি পৃথিবীজুড়ে আলোচনার বিষয় হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে!” (This has become a topic of conversation worldwide!)
- “তোমার মেসেজ পুরো পৃথিবীকে আলোড়িত করেছে!” (Your message has stirred the entire world!)
- “তোমার মেসেজ দেখে সবাই অবাক হয়ে গেছে!” (Everyone was amazed by your message!)
- “ทักทายหน่อยได้ไหม? แต่ฉันคงต้องรอสักครู่” (Can you greet me, but I need to wait a bit?)
- “ทักทายฉันสิ แต่คงต้องรอให้เวลาผ่านไปก่อน!” (Say hi to me, but I need to wait a while first!)
- “ทักทายสักนิดนะ แต่ตอนนี้ฉันยุ่งมาก!” (Greet me a bit, but I’m really busy right now!)
- “ทักทายเร็วหน่อยนะ แต่ต้องรอจนกว่าฉันจะเสร็จ!” (Greet me fast, but I need to wait until I’m done!)
- “ทักทายฉันได้เลย แต่ต้องรออีกนิด!” (You can greet me, but wait a little longer!)
- “Apa khabar? Sedikit tidak berguna!” (How’s it going? A little bit useless!)
- “Apa khabar? Cuma sekadar mengganggu!” (How’s it going? Just a bit of a bother!)
- “Apa khabar? Ini sedikit membuang masa!” (How’s it going? This is a bit of a waste of time!)
- “Apa khabar? Agak tidak penting, kan?” (How’s it going? This is quite unnecessary, right?)
- “Apa khabar? Mungkin kita boleh berbincang selepas ini!” (How’s it going? Maybe we can talk after this!)
Funny Responses for Rejection
- “내 인생에서 너의 메시지보다 더 중요한 일이 있어.” (I have more important things in my life than your message.)
- “내가 지금 할 일이 많아서 네 메시지 못 봤어.” (I have a lot to do right now, so I didn’t see your message.)
- “이 메시지보다 중요한 일들이 너무 많아.” (There are so many important things to do than this message.)
- “너의 메시지가 내 우선순위에 없어서 미안해.” (Sorry, your message isn’t on my priority list.)
- “이건 내 인생에서 나중에 처리할 일일 뿐이야.” (This is something to deal with later in my life.)
- “Ούτε ο σκύλος μου θέλει να το διαβάσει αυτό.” (Not even my dog wants to read this.)
- “Αν το σκυλί μου μπορούσε να διαβάσει, θα το αγνοούσε κι αυτό.” (If my dog could read, it would ignore this too.)
- “Ο σκύλος μου ακόμα προσπαθεί να καταλάβει τι είπα.” (My dog is still trying to understand what I just said.)
- “Αυτό το μήνυμα είναι τόσο άχρηστο, ακόμα και ο σκύλος μου το αντιλαμβάνεται.” (This message is so useless, even my dog gets it.)
- “Μήπως το σκυλί μου μπορεί να το διαβάσει; Αυτό είναι κάτι που δεν χρειάζομαι.” (Maybe my dog can read this? It’s something I don’t need.)
- “Waarom denk je dat ik dit wil lezen?” (Why do you think I want to read this?)
- “Denk je echt dat ik dit belangrijk vind?” (Do you really think I care about this?)
- “Waarom zou ik dit lezen, ik heb betere dingen te doen!” (Why would I read this, I have better things to do!)
- “Dit is het laatste waar ik op zit te wachten.” (This is the last thing I’m waiting for.)
- “Je denkt serieus dat ik dit ga lezen?” (You seriously think I’m going to read this?)
- “Den här texten är mer överflödig än en väderprognos för sommaren.” (This text is more unnecessary than a summer weather forecast.)
- “Den här texten är mer meningslös än ett regnväder på en solig dag.” (This text is more meaningless than rain on a sunny day.)
- “Det här är nog en av de mest onödiga sakerna jag har läst.” (This is probably one of the most unnecessary things I’ve read.)
- “Den här texten är mer irrelevant än en väderprognos för januari.” (This text is more irrelevant than a weather forecast for January.)
- “Om detta var en film, skulle det vara en lågbudgetproduktion.” (If this were a movie, it would be a low-budget production.)
- “Bunu yazmaya gerek var mıydı?” (Was this really necessary to write?)
- “Gerçekten bunu yazmak zorunda mıydın?” (Did you really have to write this?)
- “Bunu yazman çok gereksizdi, değil mi?” (Writing this was really unnecessary, wasn’t it?)
- “Bunu yazarken ne düşündüğünü merak ediyorum.” (I wonder what you were thinking when you wrote this.)
- “Bunu yazmak seni mutlu etti mi?” (Did writing this make you happy?)
Multilingual Responses to Unwanted Texts
Funny Text Responses in 20 Languages
Here are more funny responses in multiple languages to unwanted texts
- “너는 내 인생의 중요한 부분이 아니야.” (You’re not an important part of my life.)
- “내 인생에서 네가 필요한 부분은 거의 없다.” (There’s hardly a part of my life where you’re needed.)
- “이제 너의 메시지를 읽을 시간도 없어.” (I don’t even have time to read your messages anymore.)
- “Mi dispiace, il mio smartphone è impegnato ignorando il tuo messaggio.” (Sorry, my smartphone is busy ignoring your message.)
- “Il mio telefono è in modalità ignorante.” (My phone is in ‘ignore’ mode.)
- “Mi sembra che il mio telefono mi stia dando lezioni di ignoranza.” (It seems like my phone is teaching me lessons in ignorance.)
- “¡Esto es tan emocionante como ver la pintura secarse!” (This is as exciting as watching paint dry!)
- “Tu mensaje es tan emocionante como esperar a que una planta crezca.” (Your message is as exciting as waiting for a plant to grow.)
- “Creo que ver la televisión sin señales sería más interesante.” (I think watching TV with no signal would be more interesting.)
- “Eu estava apenas esperando um sinal do universo… e o seu texto apareceu.” (I was just waiting for a sign from the universe… and your text appeared.)
- “O universo tem um jeito estranho de se comunicar, não é?” (The universe has a weird way of communicating, doesn’t it?)
- “Eu esperava algo melhor do que isso, mas o universo tem seus planos.” (I was hoping for something better than this, but the universe has its plans.)
- “Encore toi! C’est comme si le monde attendait ce message.” (You again! It’s like the world was waiting for this message.)
- “Le monde a attendu pour ça?” (The world waited for this?)
- “Tu n’as pas l’impression que tu fais partie de quelque chose de plus grand?” (Don’t you feel like you’re part of something bigger?)
- “Слишком много текста, слишком мало смысла.” (Too much text, too little sense.)
- “Уже все равно, что ты написал.” (It doesn’t matter what you wrote anymore.)
- “Ты мог бы просто отправить мне пустое сообщение, это было бы более информативно.” (You could have just sent me an empty message, it would have been more informative.)
Chinese (Simplified)
- “你是不是用短信来向我展示你的创造力?” (Are you using text to showcase your creativity?)
- “如果你把你的创造力放在字数上,或许它会更有意思。” (If you put your creativity into the word count, maybe it would be more interesting.)
- “文字也可以是艺术,但我不确定你的是否属于那种。” (Text can be art, but I’m not sure if yours belongs to that kind.)
- “君のメッセージ、絵文字がないとつまらない。” (Your message is boring without emojis.)
- “絵文字を使わないと、私は退屈してしまう。” (If you don’t use emojis, I get bored.)
- “絵文字無しだと、あなたのメッセージはただのテキストだ。” (Without emojis, your message is just text.)
- “Δεν έχω να πω κάτι για αυτό, γιατί μου το έστειλες;” (I have nothing to say about this, why did you send it to me?)
- “Αυτό είναι το μήνυμα που ήθελες να στείλεις;” (Is this the message you wanted to send?)
- “Αυτό δεν χρειάζεται να είναι μέρος της συνομιλίας, αλλά ευχαριστώ που το μοιράστηκες.” (This doesn’t need to be part of the conversation, but thanks for sharing it.)
- “Dit is het soort tekst dat je niet wilt ontvangen, toch?” (This is the kind of text you don’t want to receive, right?)
- “Dit bericht maakt mijn dag niet beter.” (This message doesn’t make my day better.)
- “Als dit je idee van een goed gesprek is, dan wil ik liever geen deel van het gesprek zijn.” (If this is your idea of a good conversation, I’d rather not be part of it.)
- “Jag har hört bättre skämt från min katt.” (I’ve heard better jokes from my cat.)
- “Det här är inte ens en bra skämt.” (This isn’t even a good joke.)
- “Min katt har bättre humor än du.” (My cat has better humor than you.)
- “Beni hala güldürmeye çalışıyor musun?” (Are you still trying to make me laugh?)
- “Eğer bu komikse, o zaman ben de bir komedi şovuyum.” (If this is funny, then I’m a comedy show.)
- “Bunu yazarken mi güldün?” (Did you laugh while writing this?)
- “Mogłeś nie pisać tego, nie zrobiłeś nic wielkiego.” (You could’ve not texted that, you didn’t do anything big.)
- “Czy to naprawdę potrzebowało być wysłane?” (Did this really need to be sent?)
- “Oczekiwałem czegoś bardziej kreatywnego.” (I was expecting something more creative.)
- “এটা সেরা পরিহাস আমি কখনও শুনেছি!” (This is the best joke I’ve ever heard!)
- “আমি মনে করি এটা সেরা মজা যা আমি কখনও পেয়েছি!” (I think this is the best fun I’ve ever had!)
- “এটা তো হাসি থামানোর মতো!” (This is laugh-stopping!)
- “நான் உனக்கு பதிலளிக்கமுடியாத அளவுக்கு அழகாக இருக்கிறேன்!” (I am so gorgeous, I can’t respond to you!)
- “என்னுடைய அழகு தான் எனக்கு பதிலளிக்க உதவுகிறது!” (My beauty is helping me avoid replying!)
- “நான் அழகானவர், உனக்கு பதிலளிக்க நேரம் கிடையாது!” (I’m too gorgeous to have time to reply!)
- “ทักทายมากขึ้นแล้วได้อะไร?” (What do you get from saying hi more?)
- “ฉันยังคงไม่เข้าใจว่าทำไมคุณส่งข้อความนี้.” (I still don’t understand why you sent this message.)
- “ทักทายมากไปแล้ว ฉันอาจต้องการพักสักหน่อย.” (You’ve greeted too much, I might need a break.)
- “Aku tak tahu, buat apa jawab.” (I don’t know, what’s the point in replying.)
- “Aku tidak tahu harus membalas apa, mungkin aku harus tidur.” (I don’t know what to reply, maybe I should just sleep.)
- “Kamu benar-benar ingin aku jawab itu?” (You really want me to reply to that?)
- “तुमसे कुछ अच्छा उम्मीद नहीं थी!” (I didn’t expect anything good from you!)
- “मुझे लगता है कि तुमने मुझे एक जोक भेजा है!” (I think you sent me a joke!)
- “क्या यह सच में जरूरी था?” (Was this really necessary?)
- “إذا كنت أستطيع الرد على هذه الرسالة، سأحصل على جائزة!” (If I could reply to this message, I’d win a prize!)
- “هل هذا الرسالة تستحق رداً؟” (Does this message deserve a reply?)
- “كنت أتمنى لو كان لدي وقت لقراءة هذه الرسالة.” (I wish I had time to read this message.)
Unwanted texts can be annoying, but you don’t have to let them get to you. Humor is a great tool to defuse uncomfortable situations, and using funny responses in different languages can add a creative twist to your texting game. Whether you choose a witty, sarcastic, or simply polite response, these 200+ funny replies will help you navigate unwanted messages with style and humor. Plus, now you can do it in multiple languages, impressing everyone with your global sense of humor!
Q. What are funny responses to unwanted texts?
Funny responses to unwanted texts are witty, sarcastic, creative, or humorous replies designed to handle annoying or unexpected text messages with humor. These responses can defuse awkward situations and entertain while making your reply memorable.
Q. Why should I use humor in responding to unwanted texts?
Humor is a great way to lighten the mood and prevent a negative or awkward interaction. It allows you to handle unwanted texts with style and prevents the situation from becoming tense or confrontational.
Q. Are these responses suitable for all types of unwanted texts?
Yes, the responses are designed to fit various types of unwanted texts, including from random numbers, ex-partners, or persistent friends. Whether you want to be witty, sarcastic, or politely dismissive, these responses cater to different needs.
Q. How many languages are included in the responses?
The article includes funny responses in 20 different languages, including English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, and more. This adds a global touch to your texting game.
Q. Can these responses be used in casual and professional settings?
While the responses are humorous, they are more suitable for casual interactions. It’s important to gauge the relationship with the sender and the context of the message before using humor in a professional setting.