200+ Funny Responses To Late Replies In Texting

In today’s fast-paced world, receiving delayed responses to messages is normal. It happens to the best of us—late replies due to forgetfulness, a hectic schedule, or being preoccupied with other things. However, why not reply with a hint of humor rather than feeling irritated or unheard? Adding humor to your responses will make the situation more enjoyable and help you and the other person feel more connected.

Table of Contents


Sometimes, in texts, delayed responses cause miscommunications or feelings of abandonment. But it’s important to remember that each person has unique obligations and objectives. Accepting humor can transform an uneasy situation into a time of mutual amusement rather than offense.

200+ Funny Responses To Late Replies In Texting

Witty One-Liners

  1. I was just ready to dispatch a search team to find you! I’m glad you showed up at last.
  2. Have you packed any food for the trip? I’ve been waiting for so long that I’m hungry!
  3. Whoa, you chose the scenic path through the kingdom of procrastination!
  4. It felt more like I was waiting for a solar eclipse than a response, even though I was expecting one!
  5. I nearly created a support group for those waiting for your reply. Our moniker was ‘The Patiently Impatient.’
  6. Has your phone been left behind in a time capsule? Since your response is from a different period,!
  7. It seemed like a slow-motion painting as I waited for your response!
  8. After waiting for your response, I’m almost a saint if patience is a virtue!
  9. You were merely haunting my notifications, so I thought you were ghosting me!
  10. It’s impressive! You were able to create a thrilling thriller out of a discussion. The turn in the plot? Your response!

Playful Emojis

  1. 😂 Finally! I wondered if my messages were being delivered via carrier pigeon!
  2. 🐢 Slow and steady wins the race, right? At least, that’s what I keep telling myself as I wait for your response!
  3. 🕰️ Tick-tock, tick-tock… Can you hear the sound of my patience running out?
  4. 🚀 Blast off! Your reply finally launched into my inbox like a rocket from outer space!
  5. 🎉 Hooray! Your reply is fashionably late, but better late than never, right?
  6. 🥳 Let’s throw a party! Your response finally arrived, and it’s the guest of honour!
  7. 🏃‍♂️ It looks like your reply took a detour through the scenic route of Delay Land!
  8. 🤔 I was beginning to think I had entered a time warp, but your response brought me back to reality!
  9. 🤣 Your reply is like a surprise plot twist in a movie! I didn’t see it coming, but I’m glad it arrived!
  10. 🌟 Your reply is like finding a hidden treasure! It took some digging, but the wait was worth it!

Sarcasm and Irony

  1. Oh, you have finally decided to visit me. I feared needing to dispatch a search team!
  2. Well, we are done breaking the record for the longest time ever taken to reply to a text message! Do we get to celebrate with confetti and balloons?
  3. I had yet to learn that we were competing to see who could respond slowly. I believe you’ve just prevailed!
  4. I’m happy you responded at that time. I was going to deliver a critical message by carrier pigeon!
  5. I appreciate your slow response time on a Sunday afternoon. Your productivity is very impressive!
  6. It was beginning to seem like I had been thrust into a parallel reality where time passed very slowly. I appreciate you bringing me back!
  7. Like a ninja, you lurk in the shadows and come out swinging with your response. Not that I saw it coming!
  8. I was starting to feel that my message had insulted you. But then I realized you usually only harbor resentment for a week at maximum!
  9. It’s impressive how quickly you respond. You were waiting for the right opportunity to respond, or you needed to remember me!
  10. I’ve heard that patience is a virtue, you know. Every minute that goes by, you’re making me a better person!

GIFs and Memes

  1. [GIF: A person drumming their fingers impatiently]

I’m waiting for your reply.

  1. [Meme: SpongeBob SquarePants with a clock superimposed, looking exasperated]

When your friend finally replies after 84 years.

  1. [GIF: A sloth slowly waving]

Your reply finally arrived! It’s almost as slow and majestic as this sloth.

  1. [Meme Leonardo DiCaprio from The Great Gatsby with a caption]

When you’ve been waiting for a reply for hours, and it finally comes, Old Sport, you’ve done it!

  1. [GIF: A person throwing confetti and dancing]

I’m celebrating your response.

  1. [Meme: A picture of a snail with a thought bubble that says]

I’m waiting for your reply.

  1. [GIF: A person rolling their eyes dramatically]

When your friend finally responds, you’re trying to act like you’re not annoyed.

  1. [Meme: A picture of a person sitting at a desk with the caption]

Waiting for your reply. I’ll sit here and grow old.

  1. [GIF: A dog tapping its paw impatiently]

I’m waiting for your reply to drop like.

  1. [Meme: A picture of a person holding a clock with a caption]

When your friend finally replies, you’re tempted to ask if they’re using dial-up internet.

Puns and Wordplay

  1. Your response opted for a stroll around Procrastination Station!
  2. Finding your response might require hiring a detective!
  3. You seem to be responding on “island time”—always a few waves behind!
  4. At last, your response reached me! I was beginning to believe it had vanished into the “digital Bermuda Triangle”!
  5. You answer so stylishly late—like a text message that shows up at the party after the last call!
  6. My chances of discovering Atlantis would be higher than receiving your response!
  7. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack, only with more emojis, waiting for your reaction!
  8. Just as I was preparing to launch a search party to find your response, it occurred to me that it most likely made a mistake at “Auto-Correct Avenue”!
  9. At last, your response passed through my patience’s “spam filter”!
  10. I was starting to feel that waiting for you wouldn’t be as successful as educating my cat to respond to texts!

Self-Deprecating Humor

  1. I broke the previous record by checking my email every five seconds while I awaited your response!
  2. I wondered whether my communications were so dull that they put you to sleep!
  3. I apologize for the delayed response; I was too preoccupied to send it because I was thinking too much about it!
  4. It appears that my phone decided to punish me by suppressing your texts since they felt ignored!
  5. My phone has a personal grudge against me since it never responds until I give up!
  6. I’ve accepted that my phone thinks for itself and likes to play mind games with me!
  7. After waiting for your response, if patience is a virtue, I can officially claim to be the most virtue-filled person on the globe!
  8. I’ve given in to my destiny of being the ‘texting sidekick’ always lurking in the background, waiting for your texts!
  9. I’ve become an expert at waiting for your response by aimlessly staring at my phone!
  10. My phone did not forward your messages because it decided to go on vacation without me!

Inside Jokes and References

  1. At last, your response surfaced from the depths of delay! It’s like holding out for our beloved TV show’s upcoming season!
  2. I began believing your response was lost in our internal jokes’ Bermuda Triangle. I’m glad it made it back!
  3. Like that one occasion when we arrived at the party after it had concluded, your response was stylishly delayed!
  4. It was like figuring out how to read the hidden meanings in our handshake!
  5. I was about to broadcast an SOS in anticipation of your response! It’s like attempting to find your way around our labyrinth of inside jokes!
  6. Your response materialized at last, akin to a rare Pokémon emerging from hours of exploration!
  7. My chances of completing a Rubik’s Cube while blindfolded would be higher than receiving your prompt response!
  8. Finding a treasure map to our mutual internal jokes is what your response is like! X indicates the location!
  9. Reading ancient hieroglyphics would be a more worthwhile endeavor than waiting for your reply!
  10. Your response is like finding a video game’s secret Easter egg—it’s never expected, but it’s always appreciated!


  1. I had time to grow a beard, shave it off, and then grow it back since your response took so long!
  2. We were waiting for your response on the next ice age. I even started assembling supplies!
  3. I was about to dispatch a search party, complete with GPS trackers and survival gear, in pursuit of your response!
  4. I felt like I had aged ten years waiting for your message because of how slowly you responded!
  5. In the interval between receiving your response and reading “War and Peace,” I might have read it twice!
  6. I was starting to believe that my chances of discovering a unicorn were higher than my chances of hearing back from you!
  7. I could have written a whole novel on the suspense I had while waiting for your response because it took so long!
  8. While waiting for your reply, I had time to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Enlarged versions!
  9. It was like waiting for the next solar eclipse, waiting for your response. I was even ready with my eclipse glasses!
  10. It took longer for you to respond than for a snail to climb Mount Everest. And that is quite a statement!


  1. I apologize for the wait; I was mired in a time loop where time stood still for a lifetime. I’m back, and I brought goodies from the future this time!
  2. My phone spontaneously decided to visit the moon, but it neglected to bring me along. But fear not—I’ve managed to catch the following rocket!
  3. I’m sorry for the delayed response; I was preoccupied with training my pet rock how to text. Though it’s a slow learner, we’re getting better!
  4. I lost track of time after falling into a cat video black hole. But now that I’m back, I appreciate feline humor even more!
  5. Aliens kidnapped my reply and rode it across the cosmos joyfully. However, I was able to get away and return it to you!
  6. I apologize for the wait; I unintentionally stumbled into a parallel reality where time passes slowly. A helpful unicorn helped me find my way back!
  7. My phone suffered from selective amnesia and lost the ability to send messages. However, following a brief therapeutic session, it regained its purpose!
  8. I’m sorry for being late; I was occupied repelling a swarm of zombies from my property. But I was victorious and prepared to respond!
  9. My response ended up in the Middle Ages due to a time distortion. However, I was able to find it again and bring it into the present day!
  10. I apologize for the delayed reply; I was preoccupied with getting my left and right socks to agree on a peace pact. Sock fights mean business!

Pop Culture References

  1. I apologize for the wait; I was engrossed in a Netflix series binge. Fear not—I’ve come out of my TV stupor and am eager to talk!
  2. I saved my reply in time, but it was stuck in the Upside Down. Eleven would be happy to hear this!
  3. I’m sorry for being late; I was sucked into a Quidditch match. However, I’m back on firm feet now and prepared to respond!
  4. While en route to deliver your message, my phone made a detour through the Shire. But Sam and Frodo guided me back to the real world!
  5. Sorry for the delayed reply; I was preoccupied with putting the Avengers together to save the planet. I’m here to talk now that the universe is secure!
  6. I’m sorry for the wait; I was searching for the Holy Grail. However, I’m prepared to reply now that I’ve located it!
  7. My response felt like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, stuck in a time machine. But finally, I managed to break free and return to the present!
  8. I apologize for being late; Harry, Hermione, and I were occupied exploring the Forbidden Forest. I’m back at Hogwarts and prepared to respond immediately!
  9. My answer sparked a power war at Game of Thrones. But I was victorious, much like Jon Snow when he came back from across the Wall!
  10. I apologize for the wait; I was busy helping Sherlock Holmes solve riddles. Now that the lawsuit is over, I’m prepared to talk!

Animal Analogies

  1. Your response took longer to come on a Monday morning than a sloth. Hey, at least it survived!
  2. It was like trying to herd kittens as I waited for your reply. Nevertheless, now that it’s here, I feel like a skilled cat catcher!
  3. It took you longer to respond than a turtle to complete a marathon. But in the race of texting, slow and steady wins, right?
  4. I believe your response was caught up in the snail traffic. However, it eventually made its way to my mailbox!
  5. You responded more slowly than a penguin attempting to take flight. Hey, though, I respect your perseverance!
  6. It was as though I was waiting for your response at the zoo’s elephant exhibit. But at last, it’s arrived, and I can finally relax!
  7. It was like waiting for a hedgehog to hibernate while I waited for your response. But let’s continue the chat now that it’s awake!
  8. Bigfoot was as elusive as your response. However, now that it’s here, I’ve discovered a legendary gem!
  9. I was starting to believe your response was a chameleon game of hide-and-seek. But now that everything has surfaced let’s enjoy ourselves!
  10. It took you longer to respond than it does for a snail to climb Mount Everest. We all reached the summit together!

Food and Drink

  1. It seemed like waiting for water to boil while I waited for your response. But let’s get things going now that it’s here!
  2. It took you longer to respond than it does to make coffee on a Monday morning. But let’s talk now that I’m awake!
  3. It was as if I was marinating in suspense while I awaited your response. But let’s liven things up now that it’s here!
  4. It took you longer to respond than it does to make a soufflé. But now that it’s up to the challenge let’s get started!
  5. It seemed like waiting for the champagne to cool while I waited for your response. But since it’s freezing now, let’s raise a glass to our discussion!
  6. Your response was lost in the grocery store’s pasta section. But now that it’s been examined, let’s indulge in vocabulary!
  7. It took you longer to respond than wine takes to ferment. But let’s enjoy the talk now that it’s perfected with age!
  8. It was like waiting for the bread to rise while I waited for your response. Now that it’s puffy let’s incorporate humor into our conversation!
  9. It took you longer to respond than it does to cook the ideal burger on the grill. Now that it’s all cooked let’s get down to some enjoyable activities!
  10. I was standing in a fast-food drive-thru line, waiting for your response. But now that it’s here, let’s have a huge discussion!

Weather Metaphors

  1. Like a beam of sunshine peeking through a cloud cover on a dreary day, your reply has finally arrived!
  2. It seemed like you were mired in a procrastination whirlwind when you responded. But now that things are quiet let’s talk!
  3. Anticipation was like a hailstorm while I waited for your response. But let’s take advantage of the sunshine now that it has cleaned up!
  4. As stylishly late as a snowfall in mid-summer, your response arrived. Hey, it’s a surprise every time!
  5. I was waiting for your response in a hurricane’s eye. But let’s take advantage of the quiet now that it’s over!
  6. It was as if I was lost in a fog while I waited for your response. But now that it’s removed, let’s return to the discussion!
  7. Your response reached me after the sunset on the year’s longest day. But let’s enjoy the dusk now that it’s here!
  8. I began believing that a distracting wave had swept away your response. But let’s celebrate now that it’s washed up on shore!
  9. Waiting for your response was jarring and thrilling, like a lightning strike. But let’s relish the quiet after the storm now that it’s over!
  10. It took you longer to respond than a shift in the seasons. But now that it’s here let’s welcome the altered climate of our discourse!

Tech Troubles

  1. At last, your response showed up, resembling a message in a bottle discovered on a deserted island. I’m happy you managed to return to society!
  2. Your reply was lost in the virtual Bermuda Triangle. But now that it’s surfaced, let’s move the topic along!
  3. It was like waiting for dial-up internet to connect while I waited for your response. But now that it’s up and running let’s ride the waves of our discourse!
  4. It took you longer to respond than it does for a carrier pigeon to bring a message. But now that it’s here let’s take off and soar!
  5. It was as if I was trapped in a time machine and waiting for your response. But now that it’s caught up let’s move on to our conversation’s future!
  6. In the era of email, waiting for your response was like waiting for a fax to arrive. But let’s print out some jokes now that it’s transmitted!
  7. Your response took longer to arrive than the Pony Express took to deliver mail throughout the West. Now that it’s here, though, let’s ride into the sunset of our exchange!
  8. There was a problem in the Matrix, causing your response to remain frozen. But now that it’s fixed, let’s jump into our chat’s virtual reality!
  9. It was like waiting for a carrier pigeon with a damaged wing, waiting for your response. But now that it’s recovered let’s soar over our discussion like clouds!
  10. It took you longer to respond than it does for a message to go across the ocean in a bottle. Now that it has washed up on the shore let’s explore our conversation’s shores!

Time Travel

  1. At last, your response reached me like a letter from the past. You must have gone off course and into the Stone Age!
  2. Your response was caught in a time loop. But let’s make up for lost time now that it’s free!
  3. It was like waiting for a time machine to transport me to the future while I waited for your response. Now that it’s arrived let’s start our time-traveling discussion!
  4. It took you more time to respond than a wormhole to get through. Now that it’s here, though, let’s explore our conversation’s galaxy!
  5. It seemed as though I was sitting in a 1955 DeLorean, waiting for your response. But let’s return to the present now that it has hit 88 miles per hour!
  6. It was like waiting for the TARDIS to appear and your response. But now that it’s here let’s go on a space and time adventure together!
  7. Your reply was tardier than a time traveler who missed their target. Now that it’s here, let’s coordinate a fantastic discussion!
  8. Your reply had been lost in the timeline. But now that it’s returned let’s change the course of our exchange!
  9. It was like waiting for a phone booth-shaped time machine while I waited for your response. But now that we have it perfected let’s go on an amazing journey!
  10. It took you longer than Marty McFly to respond than to return to 1985. But now that it’s here let’s leave this conversation like a tree!

Alien Abduction

  1. At last, your response reached me like a communication sent from a spacecraft. You were brought back to Earth by the aliens at last!
  2. I began believing aliens had intercepted your response while traveling to my phone. Now that it’s back, though, let’s continue our discussion!
  3. It was like waiting for a third-kind near encounter while I waited for your response. Now that it’s here, though, let’s speak to one another in our tongue!
  4. It took you longer to respond than it does for an extraterrestrial spaceship to travel around the galaxy. But now that it is here let’s resume our discussion!
  5. I was waiting on an alien mothership for your response. But now that it’s brought me back to Earth let’s laugh heartily!
  6. It was like waiting for a crop circle to show up in my email, waiting for your response. But now that it’s here let’s figure out what our conversation meant!
  7. Your response came in later than a visitor from space visiting Earth. NI was starting to think that aliens had taken you and taken you to a
  8. distant galaxy. You had been kidnapped by aliens and sent to a distant galaxy, but now that it’s back, let’s investigate the realm of our discussion!
  9. It was like waiting for a UFO sighting while I waited for your response. Now that it’s here, though, let’s explore the wonders of our discussion!
  10. It took longer for you to respond than it does for an alien signal to get to Earth. But now that it’s arrived let’s figure out what our conversation message meant!

Time Warp

  1. At last, your response reached me like a letter from the past. Or did you happen to hit a time warp?
  2. It seemed as if I was trapped in a time machine waiting for your response. Now that it’s here, though, let’s talk and get loose!
  3. It took more time to respond to you than it does to go through a time warp. But let’s make up for lost time now that it’s here!
  4. It was as though I was waiting for your response at a “snail’s pace” in a time machine. Now that it’s here, let’s get this discourse moving quickly!
  5. It was like waiting for the next time, Warp Tuesday, while I was waiting for your response. But let’s celebrate like it’s yesterday now that it’s here!
  6. It took longer for you to respond than it does for time travelers to quarrel over paradoxes. Now that it’s arrived, let’s not make crazy mistakes!
  7. I was beginning to believe your reply was lost in a time warp. But now that it’s back let’s carry on with our exploration of texting’s space-time!
  8. A flux capacitor was waiting to activate while I waited for your response. Now that it’s here, let’s return to the discussion!
  9. More than a time traveler trapped in the wrong century, your response took longer. Now that it’s here, though, let’s talk and update our coordinates!
  10. I was waiting for your response in slow motion due to a time warp. Now that it’s accelerated let’s speed through the exchange!

Celebrity Impersonation

  1. At last, your response reached me like a star-inspired telegram. Is this you, or did Brad Pitt text me?
  2. It was like waiting for the Oscars announcement to hear your response. And the recipient of the best-belated response is…
  3. It took you longer to respond than it does for Leonardo DiCaprio to receive an Oscar. But let’s rejoice like Leo now that it’s arrived!
  4. It was as though I was in a star-studded green room, waiting for your response. But let’s get this show moving now that you’ve made your big debut!
  5. It was like waiting for Beyoncé to release a surprise album while I waited for your response. Now that it’s arrived, though, let’s perform!
  6. Your response reached me after Kanye West arrived at the Met Gala. But now that you’ve arrived in style, let’s get into a stance!
  7. I was beginning to believe that your reply was as closely guarded a secret as the release date of Taylor Swift’s upcoming album. But let’s sing along now that it’s available!
  8. It was like waiting on a Kardashian tweetstorm while I awaited your response. But let’s continue the conversation now that it’s here!
  9. It took you longer to respond than it does for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to lift weights. But now that you’ve demonstrated your texting prowess, let’s continue the discussion!
  10. It was as though I was waiting for your response at a casting call in Hollywood. But now that you’ve got the part let’s give this chat a performance to remember! 

Teleportation Mishap

  1. Eventually, your response teleported in, as usual, stylishly late! Did you meander through the land of Narnia?
  2. It felt like a teleportation fault that needed to be fixed while I waited for your response. Now that you’re here, though, let’s continue this discussion!
  3. It took you longer to respond than it does to cast a teleportation spell. However, now that you’ve shown up, let’s start talking!
  4. It was as though I were in the teleportation queue, waiting for your response. Now that you’ve joined let’s get this chat going at a breakneck pace!
  5. It was like waiting for a teleportation bug to fix itself while I waited for your response. Now that you’re here let’s teleport to some amusement!
  6. More time had passed since I received your response than a teleportation ray could cross the galaxy. Now that it’s arrived, though, let’s have some fun!
  7. I was beginning to believe that the teleportation vortex swallowed your remark. But now that it’s out of the way let’s continue this discussion!
  8. It was like waiting for a teleportation malfunction to reverse while I waited for your response. But let’s get right to the fun now that you’re back!
  9. It took you longer to respond than it does for a teleportation pod to reorient. But now that you’re here let’s return to some enjoyable moments!
  10. It seemed as if I was in a teleportation waiting room, waiting for your response. But now that you’re here, let’s jump into the middle of the discussion! 

Parallel Universe

  1. At last, your response came from the parallel universe! On the way, did you come across any Doppelgänger?
  2. I was waiting for a problem in the parallel reality to fix itself while I waited for your response. Now that you’re here, though, let’s continue this discussion!
  3. Your response took longer than a parallel world to align with ours. But now that everything is in harmony let’s start talking!
  4. I was waiting for a response in a follower-paced parallel reality. But now that you’re here, let’s have this talk go more quickly!
  5. It was like waiting for a bug in a parallel universe to fix itself while I waited for your response. But now that you’re back, how about we inject humor into this discussion?
  6. Your reply reached us later than the collision of two parallel universes. Now that it’s here, though, let’s investigate this conversation’s multiverse!
  7. I was beginning to believe your reply had vanished into the chasm of parallel universes. However, now that it’s returned, let’s continue this discussion!
  8. It was like waiting for a parallel world oddity to right itself while I waited for your response. Now that you’re here, let’s get in rhythm and enjoy ourselves!
  9. It took longer for you to respond than it does for a rift in the parallel reality to close. However, now that you’re here, let’s continue this chat!
  10. It was as though I was waiting for your response in a different universe where time passed more slowly. But now that you’re here, let’s have some fun and lighthearted discussion! 

Why People Reply Late

Gaining insight into the causes of delayed responses might help you make sense of the situation. There are several reasons why someone could answer slowly, such as: 

  • Busy Schedules

Because of the hurried nature of life, answering messages might not always come first. Messages can easily be lost amidst work, errands, and other commitments.

  • Forgetfulness

In the deluge of alerts and diversions, it is not unusual for individuals to overlook immediately answering communications. A polite reminder might work wonders to get a reaction without offending.

Intentional Delay

Some people might purposefully hold out on answering to maintain their mystery or demonstrate their independence. Although this strategy might work in some situations, it can also cause the other side to become confused and frustrated.

Using Emojis and GIFs

Emojis and GIFs can give your responses an additional humorous dimension. Sending a funny GIF or utilizing emotive emoticons might help you effectively communicate your lighthearted tone.

Creative Ways to Handle Late Replies

Here are some clever strategies for dealing with delayed responses for individuals who like to exercise their creative muscles:

  • Creating Puns

Make puns about the circumstance to capitalize on the delay and turn it into a wordplaying opportunity. For instance, “Looks like you’re running on ‘island time’ with that response.”

  • Incorporating Pop Culture References

Incorporate pop culture allusions into your answers to keep the conversation lively and interesting. Using well-known cultural touchstones can provide an additional element of humour, whether through a clever allusion to a viral meme or a snappy movie quote.


Texting someone and waiting for their response doesn’t have to be frustrating or annoying. You may transform an uneasy circumstance into a time of mutual laughing and connection by accepting humour and inventiveness. Whether by using amusing one-liners, silly emoticons, or deft wordplay, adding humour to your comments helps maintain a fun and lighthearted tone. Therefore, the next time you encounter a delayed response, try not to get stressed and, instead, respond with a smile and a hint of humour.


Q. What should I do if I receive a late reply when texting?

React in a lighthearted manner! Adding humour to your response, whether through a brilliant GIF, witty comment, or playful emoji, can keep the conversation lively.

Q. Is it rude to reply late to messages?

Although timely responses are polite, everyone has different obligations and priorities. Try to comprehend that delays occur and respond with understanding rather than taking offence.

Q. How can I maintain positivity in texting despite late replies?

Pay attention to the humour! Laughing back or engaging in lighthearted conversation helps keep the mood upbeat and improves your relationship with the other person.

Q. What if I’m not naturally funny?

Various sorts of humour exist! There’s humor for everyone, whether smart wordplay, snappy one-liners, or self-deprecating humor.

Q. Can humour be misinterpreted in texting?

Context is crucial, but it’s feasible. To ensure your humorous response is properly received, consider your relationship with the recipient and their sense of humor before sending it.

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