Ways to Handle Being Called “Ugly” : 200+ Ways to Respond

Being called “ugly” can be a deeply hurtful experience. It’s a word loaded with negativity, capable of impacting your self-esteem and emotional well-being. This article aims to help you navigate these challenging moments, offering insights and strategies to cope and thrive despite the negativity.

Understanding the Word “Ugly”

  • Definition and Connotations

“Ugly” is a term that describes something aesthetically unpleasing. However, its implications extend beyond physical appearance, often affecting one’s self-worth. It is crucial to understand that the word itself is subjective and influenced by varying cultural and societal standards.

  • Cultural and Societal Influences

Beauty standards vary significantly across different cultures and periods. What one society deems unattractive, another might celebrate. Recognising this can help diminish the power of the word “ugly” and remind us that beauty is not universal.

200+ Comebacks for Being called “Ugly.”

Humorous Comebacks

  1. I’m not here to win any beauty contests. Just here for a good time!
  2. Looks like I’m ahead in the personality department!
  3. My mirror needs a new prescription!
  4. If I had a dime for whenever someone called me ugly, I’d still have a pretty amazing personality!
  5. Who needs beauty when you’ve got charm and wit?
  6. I’m like a fine wine—better with age and definitely an acquired taste.
  7. It must be a work of art because even abstract art gets mixed reviews!
  8. You must be a beauty critic. I guess I’m just ‘avant-garde’!
  9. Well, I always say, ‘Ugly is as ugly does.’ It’s a good thing I do a lot of fun things!
  10. Looks like I’m winning the ‘Most Interesting Person’ contest!

Confident Comebacks

  1. I’m perfectly happy with who I am, which matters.
  2. Your opinion doesn’t change how I see myself.
  3. I’m comfortable with myself, and that’s my biggest strength.
  4. What’s important is my kind of person, not what you think I look like.
  5. Confidence is more attractive than any physical appearance.
  6. I’m proud of who I am; your words don’t affect that.
  7. Your opinion doesn’t determine my worth.
  8. I embrace who I am, and that’s what makes me strong.
  9. I focus on being a good person rather than meeting superficial standards.
  10. I know my value, and it goes far beyond appearance.

Sarcastic Comebacks

  1. Wow, you must have a PhD in beauty criticism!
  2. Oh, great, another expert on looks. How could I ever compete?
  3. Thanks for the input; I was about to start a career in modelling.
  4. It’s so refreshing to hear such a unique and original insult.
  5. I’m glad you’re so invested in my looks. How’s your day going?
  6. Are you sure you’re not just projecting your insecurities?
  7. It’s a good thing I wasn’t aiming to be on the cover of a magazine!
  8. Oh, that’s new! I’m used to more creative critiques.
  9. Wow, did you come up with that all on your own?
  10. Thanks for the feedback; I’ll add it to my ‘List of Things I Don’t Care About.’

Empathetic Comebacks

  1. I’m sorry you feel that way. I hope things get better for you.
  2. It sounds like you’re having a rough day. I hope it gets better.
  3. Everyone has their moments of insecurity. I hope you find some peace.
  4. It seems like you’re struggling with something. I hope you find support.
  5. I understand that you might be going through something difficult. Let’s focus on finding some positivity.
  6. I hope you’re okay. Sometimes, we all say things we don’t mean.
  7. I get that everyone has different opinions. I hope you find what makes you happy.
  8. Sometimes, people say things out of their hurt. I hope you’re doing alright.
  9. I hope you’re having a good day otherwise. I’m here if you need to talk.
  10. You might be dealing with something tough. I’m here if you want to chat.

Intellectual Comebacks

  1. Judging someone based on their appearance is quite superficial. There’s so much more to a person.
  2. Physical appearance is only a small part of who we are. Our character is what truly defines us.
  3. It’s interesting how society often values looks over substance. I prefer to focus on meaningful qualities.
  4. True beauty comes from within, and that’s where I focus.
  5. Their appearance does not determine the value of a person but by their actions and thoughts.
  6. It’s worth considering that beauty standards are subjective and often influenced by social constructs.
  7. There’s more to intelligence and character than meets the eye. Let’s focus on what matters.
  8. Our society often emphasises looks over deeper qualities. I’d rather cultivate my inner strengths.
  9. Appearances are transient, but the impact of kindness and integrity lasts longer.
  10. What we look like is just a surface detail; the real measure of a person is their character and actions.

Nonchalant Comebacks

  1. Okay, thanks for sharing.
  2. Alright, I am moving on.
  3. I guess that’s your opinion.
  4. Noted. Anything else you’d like to discuss?
  5. Sure, if that’s what you think.
  6. That’s one way to see it.
  7. I got it. What’s next?
  8. Alright then. How’s your day going?
  9. That’s your perspective. I’m good with who I am.
  10. Fine by me. Let’s talk about something else.

Self-Deprecating Comebacks

  1. I guess I’m just too avant-garde for the mainstream!
  2. If Ugly were a sport, I’d be a gold medalist!
  3. Well, I never claimed to be a supermodel. I was just trying my best!
  4. I’m like a rare book—looks aren’t everything, but the content’s worth it!
  5. Looks like I’m in the running for ‘Most Unique Appearance’!
  6. I guess I’m not winning any beauty contests, but at least I’m winning at being myself!
  7. I’m the kind of person who’s so ugly it’s almost endearing!
  8. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder—thank goodness I’m not the only one with eyes!
  9. Sometimes, I think I’m a walking work of abstract art.
  10. I always say, if you don’t like my looks, you should see me without makeup!

Kind and Positive Comebacks

  1. Everyone has their unique beauty, and that’s what makes us special.
  2. Kindness and a good heart shine brighter than looks.
  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We can all find beauty in each other.
  4. We all have our strengths and qualities. Let’s focus on the positive!
  5. It’s important to remember that everyone is beautiful in their way.
  6. I appreciate your honesty. We can all embrace our individuality.
  7. What matters most is how we treat others. I strive to be kind and understanding.
  8. I’m grateful for the unique qualities that make me who I am.
  9. Everyone has different tastes, and that’s what makes the world interesting.
  10. I’m focused on being a good person and spreading positivity.

Deflecting Comebacks

  1. Let’s change the subject—what’s new with you?
  2. Okay, let’s talk about something else. How was your weekend?
  3. Thanks for your input. Have you seen the latest [movie/book/etc.]?
  4. I appreciate your feedback. What’s your favourite way to relax?
  5. Alright, let’s move on. What’s something exciting happening in your life?
  6. I’m more interested in hearing about your recent adventures.
  7. Sure, let’s switch gears. What’s been on your mind lately?
  8. You got it. Have you heard about [interesting topic]?
  9. Thanks for that. Let’s discuss something we both enjoy.
  10. I’ll consider that. So, what are your plans for the weekend?

Assertive Comebacks

  1. I don’t appreciate that kind of comment. Please be respectful.
  2. My appearance needs to be put up for discussion. Let’s talk about something else.
  3. It’s not okay to insult others. Please keep your opinions to yourself.
  4. I value kindness and respect. Let’s focus on those instead.
  5. That’s a hurtful thing to say. I’d prefer it if you’d be more considerate.
  6. I don’t accept negative comments about my appearance. Let’s move on.
  7. Your opinion is noted, but it doesn’t affect my feelings.
  8. I’d appreciate it if you’d refrain from making personal comments.
  9. Insults don’t define me; I’d rather we keep things positive.
  10. I’m here to be myself, not to meet your standards. Let’s respect that.

Philosophical Comebacks

  1. True beauty is found in how we treat others, not physical appearance.
  2. The essence of who we are goes far beyond superficial judgments.
  3. What’s on the outside is temporary; what’s on the inside lasts a lifetime.
  4. The nature of beauty is subjective, and what matters is our inner character.
  5. Our true value lies in our actions and how we make others feel.
  6. External appearances are fleeting, but our values and kindness endure.
  7. To judge solely by appearance is to miss the depth of a person’s soul.
  8. The heart and mind hold far more beauty than the eyes can see.
  9. Beauty standards are societal constructs; true worth is found in our humanity.
  10. We are all unique and valuable in our ways; let’s appreciate that diversity.

Inspirational Comebacks

  1. Every person has the special qualities that make them unique and beautiful.
  2. Focus on being the best version of yourself, and let your inner light shine.
  3. Your true strength comes from within, which truly defines you.
  4. Embrace yourself with confidence, and let your character speak for itself.
  5. Rise above negativity and let your kindness and strength be your guide.
  6. Everyone has their journey. Be proud of who you are and what you’ve achieved.
  7. Your worth isn’t defined by others’ opinions but by your love and respect for yourself.
  8. In the end, it’s our actions and how we uplift others that make us truly beautiful.
  9. Believe in your values and let your positivity inspire those around you.
  10. You have the power to shape your own story. Let it be one of strength and self-love.

Playful Comebacks

  1. I guess I’m just a rare, one-of-a-kind masterpiece!
  2. If looks could kill, I’d be a superhero by now!
  3. I’m like a quirky comic book character—charmingly unique!
  4. It must be a limited edition; you don’t see this look every day!
  5. Well, I’m glad my personality makes up for it!
  6. I’m like a fun house mirror—one-of-a-kind!
  7. Looks like I’m the plot twist in a really interesting story!
  8. I’m pretty sure ‘ugly’ is just a code for ‘extraordinary!’
  9. Who needs conventional beauty when you’ve got character?
  10. I’m like a character in a cartoon—not conventional, but memorable!

Professional Comebacks

  1. I prefer to focus on work-related topics. Let’s keep our conversation professional.
  2. Thank you for your feedback. Let’s discuss how we can collaborate effectively.
  3. I’m here to contribute my skills and knowledge. Let’s focus on that.
  4. I’d rather we maintain a professional environment. Let’s move forward with our tasks.
  5. Let’s keep our discussions focused on our work objectives.
  6. My appearance is irrelevant to the quality of my work. Let’s concentrate on our goals.
  7. I’m committed to doing my best work. I’d appreciate it if we could keep our interactions professional.
  8. Let’s keep our conversation constructive and work-oriented.
  9. I value professionalism and respect in the workplace. Let’s keep our discussions focused on work.
  10. Thank you for your input. How about we return to our project?

Creative Comebacks

  1. I’m like a unique piece of abstract art—open to interpretation!
  2. Think of me as a quirky character in a novel—memorable!
  3. I’m a limited-edition design—crafted with personality and flair!
  4. Imagine me as an experimental film—challenging but unforgettable!
  5. I’m a one-of-a-kind sculpture—not mass-produced!
  6. Consider me an avant-garde fashion statement—bold and unconventional!
  7. I’m like an unusual painting—distinctive and full of character!
  8. I’m a rare gem—unique and valuable in its own right!
  9. Think of me as a creative masterpiece—breaking the mould!
  10. I’m like an original song—distinctive, with a tune all my own!

Witty Comebacks

  1. Well, that’s one way to look at it! I prefer to think of myself as ‘charmingly unconventional.’
  2. I didn’t realise I was competing in a beauty pageant today!
  3. Luckily, I’m more than a pretty face—or lack thereof!
  4. I guess I’m an ‘acquired taste.’ Not everyone appreciates fine art!
  5. Beauty might be in the eye of the beholder, but so might humour!
  6. I must be a trendsetter; only some understand my style!
  7. I’d say you’re just jealous of my unique fashion sense!
  8. They say beauty is only skin deep, but a great personality goes to the core.
  9. Thank you for the feedback! I’ll add it to my ‘critics’ reviews’ collection.
  10. I guess I’m just setting a new standard for beauty—one that’s uniquely me!

Deflective Humility Comebacks

  1. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, but that’s alright. We all have our quirks!
  2. I’m not perfect, but I’m working on being the best version of myself.
  3. I appreciate your honesty. I’m more focused on being a kind person than meeting beauty standards.
  4. Looks aren’t everything, right? I’m more concerned with being a good friend.
  5. I know I’m not everyone’s ideal look, but I’m happy being me.
  6. Everyone has their style. I’m still figuring out mine!
  7. I’m just a regular person doing my best. Looks aren’t the most important thing.
  8. I know I’m not perfect, but I try to bring positivity.
  9. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. I’m focusing on what’s important to me.
  10. I may not be a model, but I’m working on being a model person.

Reflective Comebacks

  1. What makes you say that? Is there something specific you’re reacting to?
  2. I’m curious—why do you want to focus on my appearance?
  3. Do you think physical appearance is the most important aspect of a person?
  4. Interestingly, you focus on looks. What do you think about someone’s character?
  5. What do you think defines a person? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
  6. You have strong opinions on appearance. How do you define true beauty?
  7. Why is appearance such a big deal? Isn’t there more to people than what meets the eye?
  8. What led you to make that comment? Do you often judge people by their looks?
  9. How do you think our society’s views on beauty affect how we see each other?
  10. Is focusing on appearances the best way to understand someone? What do you think?

Caring and Supportive Comebacks

  1. It sounds like you might be having a tough day. I hope things get better for you.
  2. I understand that we all have different opinions. I hope you find what makes you happy.
  3. I’m sorry if you’re feeling upset. If you need to talk about it, I’m here.
  4. It seems like you’re going through something. I hope you find the support you need.
  5. Everyone has their struggles, and we all express them differently. I hope things improve for you.
  6. I hope you’re doing okay. Sometimes, we say things we don’t mean when we’re not feeling our best.
  7. I care about your well-being. If something is bothering you, I’m here to listen.
  8. There might be something else going on. I hope you find some peace.
  9. I hope you find the kindness and understanding you’re looking for. Everyone deserves it.
  10. I’m here for you if you need to talk or need any support. We all have moments when we need it.

Gracious Comebacks

  1. Thank you for your opinion. I appreciate your honesty.
  2. I’m grateful for your feedback. Everyone sees things differently.
  3. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. We can all embrace our unique qualities.
  4. Thank you for expressing your view. I believe in focusing on what’s positive.
  5. I appreciate your perspective. We all have different tastes and opinions.
  6. Thank you for your input. I hope we both find joy in our individuality.
  7. I value your honesty. I hope we can continue to respect each other’s differences.
  8. Thank you for sharing. Kindness and respect are what matter.
  9. I appreciate your feedback. Let’s both focus on what makes us feel good about ourselves.
  10. Thank you for your comment. We can all find beauty in being our true selves.

The Psychological Impact

  • Emotional Reactions

Hearing someone call you “ugly” can trigger a range of emotions, from anger and sadness to confusion and self-doubt. These reactions are normal, but it’s essential to address them healthily.

  • Long-term Effects on Self-esteem

Repeated exposure to negative comments about your appearance can lead to lasting damage to your self-esteem. This can manifest in various ways, including social withdrawal, depression, and anxiety. Addressing these feelings early on is vital to maintaining mental health.

Why People Use Hurtful Words

  • Insecurity and Projection

Often, people who insult others are projecting their insecurities. By calling someone “ugly,” they divert attention from their flaws and gain a false sense of superiority.

  • Societal Pressures and Standards

Societal standards of beauty are frequently unrealistic and perpetuated by the media. These pressures can lead individuals to judge others harshly, striving to fit into narrow definitions of attractiveness.

  • The Role of Bullying

Bullying is a significant factor in why people use hurtful language. Bullies often target those they perceive as vulnerable, using words like “ugly” to assert dominance and control.

Immediate Responses to Being Called “Ugly”

  • Staying Calm and Collected

When faced with an insult, your immediate reaction can set the tone. Staying calm and collected can help you manage the situation more effectively. Take deep breaths and remind yourself of your worth beyond physical appearance.

  • Responding with Empathy or Humor

Responding with empathy or humour can diffuse tension and show confidence. A simple “I’m sorry you feel that way” or a light-hearted joke can disarm the insulter and maintain your composure.

Long-term Strategies for Coping

  • Building Self-Esteem

Cultivating self-esteem is crucial in dealing with insults. Engage in activities that make you feel good about yourself, set and achieve personal goals, and surround yourself with supportive people.

  • Developing a Support System

A strong support system can provide emotional backup when you’re feeling down. Friends, family, and mentors can offer encouragement and remind you of your worth.

  • Practising Self-care

Self-care practices like regular exercise, healthy eating, and mindfulness can improve your well-being and resilience against negative comments.

Redefining Beauty

  • Beauty Standards Throughout History

Throughout history, beauty standards have constantly evolved. What was considered beautiful centuries ago might be different today. Understanding this evolution can help you see beauty as a fluid and inclusive concept.

  • Embracing Diverse Forms of Beauty

Embrace diverse forms of beauty by celebrating uniqueness. Everyone has something special that makes them attractive, whether physical features or personality traits.

The Power of Positive Affirmations

  • What Are Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations are statements that reinforce positive thoughts about yourself. They can be a powerful tool to combat negative self-perceptions and build confidence.

  • How to Incorporate Them into Your Life

Incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine. Start your day by looking in the mirror and telling yourself something uplifting. Over time, these affirmations can reshape your self-image.

The Importance of Inner Beauty

  • Defining Inner Beauty

Inner beauty encompasses qualities such as kindness, empathy, and confidence. These traits often leave a lasting impression far beyond physical appearance.

  • Cultivating Kindness, Empathy, and Confidence

Cultivate inner beauty by practising kindness, showing empathy, and building confidence. Volunteer, help a friend, or simply smile more. These actions enhance your inner attractiveness and boost your self-esteem.

Handling Repeated Offenders

  • Setting Boundaries

If someone repeatedly insults you, it’s essential to set boundaries. Let them know their behaviour is unacceptable and distance yourself if necessary.

  • Seeking Professional Help if Needed

If the negativity persists and affects your mental health, consider seeking professional help. Therapists and counsellors can provide strategies and support to overcome the emotional toll.

Supporting Others Who Are Called “Ugly”

  • How to Offer Support and Empathy

If you know someone called “ugly,” offer support by listening and validating their feelings. Empathy goes a long way in helping them feel understood and less isolated.

  • Encouraging Positive Conversations

Encourage positive conversations about beauty and self-worth. Remind others that everyone’s unique and beautiful in their own way.

Turning Negative Experiences into Strength

  • Learning from Hurtful Experiences

Negative experiences can be powerful learning opportunities. Reflect on what you’ve learned from insulting and use it to build resilience and empathy.

  • Building Resilience and Empathy

Building resilience involves developing the ability to bounce back from adversity. Practice self-compassion and understand that everyone faces challenges. Use your experiences to empathise with others.

Personal Stories and Testimonials

  • Real-life Experiences

Hearing real-life experiences from those who’ve overcome negative labels can be inspiring. Their journeys can provide insight and hope for your path to self-acceptance.

  • Overcoming Negative Labels

Many people have successfully overcome being labelled “ugly” by focusing on their strengths and inner qualities. Let their stories motivate you to do the same.

The Role of Media and Social Media

  • Media Influence on Beauty Standards

Media plays a significant role in shaping beauty standards. Be critical of the images and messages you consume, and remember that they often represent unrealistic ideals.

  • Navigating Social Media Positively

Use social media positively by following accounts that promote body positivity and self-acceptance. Engage with content that uplifts rather than diminishes your self-worth.


In conclusion, facing insults about your appearance can be tough, but your response can turn these negative moments into opportunities for self-empowerment and growth. By choosing from the 200+ ways to handle being called “ugly,” you can maintain your confidence and show that such hurtful comments don’t define your worth. Handling negativity with grace and strength helps you rise above the insults and sets a positive example for others. For more strategies on dealing with rude remarks, 

check out our guide on:

200+ Great Comebacks When Someone Calls You “Dumb.” 


Q. How Can I Help a Friend Who’s Been Called “Ugly”?

Offer support by listening, validating their feelings, and reminding them of their unique qualities. Encourage positive conversations about beauty and self-worth.

Q. What Are Some Quick Ways to Boost My Confidence?

Practice positive affirmations, engage in activities that make you feel good about yourself, and surround yourself with supportive people.

Q. How Do I Deal with Negative Thoughts About My Appearance?

Challenge negative thoughts by focusing on your strengths and practising self-compassion. Consider talking to a therapist for additional support.

Q. Is It Normal to Feel Upset for a Long Time After Being Insulted?

Yes, it’s normal to feel upset. If the feelings persist and affect your daily life, consider seeking professional help to work through your emotions.

Q. Can Professional Counseling Help?

Yes, professional counselling can provide strategies and support to manage the emotional impact of insults and build resilience.

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