How to Respond to Compliments on Tinder : 200+ Responses

In the world of Tinder, compliments are like digital icebreakers. They can be flattering, fun, and sometimes a little awkward. But here’s the thing: how you respond to these compliments can make or break your conversation. Whether searching for a meaningful connection or just enjoying some lighthearted banter, knowing how to respond to compliments on Tinder is worth mastering. So, let’s dive into the art of responding to compliments, making sure you stay authentic, confident, and maybe even a little flirty!

Understanding Compliments on Tinder

Before diving into responses, it’s essential to understand why compliments are so common on Tinder and what types you’re likely to receive.

  • Why Do People Give Compliments on Tinder?

Compliments on Tinder often serve as a way to break the ice and express interest. With first impressions happening in mere seconds, a compliment can be a quick way for someone to grab your attention and start a conversation. Whether it’s admiration for your smile or a playful nod to your clever bio, people use compliments to connect and show appreciation.

Why Responding to Compliments Matters

Responding to a compliment isn’t just about being polite. It can significantly impact the conversation and set the tone for what’s to come.

  • Building Connections Through Compliments

When you respond to a compliment, you acknowledge the other person’s effort and open the door to further interaction. A well-crafted response can create a meaningful connection and keep the conversation flowing.

  • How Your Response Shapes the Conversation

Your response can either encourage more dialogue or lead to a conversational dead-end. A simple “thanks” might feel polite, but it doesn’t always invite more discussion. On the other hand, responding with enthusiasm or humor can keep things moving forward.

200+ Responses To Compliments On Tinder

Gratitude Responses

  1. Thank you so much! That made my day brighter.
  2. I appreciate that. You’re too kind!
  3. Wow, thanks! That’s so sweet of you.
  4. You just made me smile! Thanks for the compliment.
  5. I’m grateful for your kind words. Thanks a bunch!
  6. That means a lot coming from you. Thank you!
  7. Thank you! Your compliment just put a big smile on my face.
  8. I appreciate your kind words. Thanks for making me feel special!
  9. You’re so thoughtful. Thanks for the lovely compliment!
  10. That’s kind of you to say. Thanks for brightening my day!

Playful Responses

  1. Oh, stop it! You’re making me blush!
  2. Well, aren’t you a charmer? Keep the compliments coming!
  3. Flattery will get you everywhere. 😉
  4. You’re quite the smooth talker, aren’t you?
  5. Nice try! But I’ll still make you work for that second date.
  6. Are you trying to win me over with compliments? It’s working!
  7. Look at you, making me all shy. Keep it up!
  8. Well, aren’t you a sweet-talker? I’m intrigued!
  9. I see you’re on a compliment spree today! I’m flattered.
  10. Be careful; you’re setting the bar high with those compliments!

Flirty Responses

  1. Thanks! You’re not so bad yourself, you know. 😉
  2. That’s sweet of you. Are you trying to charm me?
  3. If you keep talking like that, you might steal my heart.
  4. I’m blushing over here. You must be a pro at this!
  5. You’re making it hard for me not to fall for you with those compliments.
  6. If you keep this up, I might have to take you to dinner.
  7. Wow, you know how to make a girl feel special. Keep it up!
  8. You’ve got my attention now. What’s next?
  9. Flattery and charm, I see. You’re making me like you more!
  10. I appreciate that. Let’s see if your charm works in person.

Self-Confident Responses

  1. I appreciate that! I put my best foot forward.
  2. Thanks! I guess I’m just naturally awesome.
  3. I know. It’s a talent. 😉
  4. I’ve got to admit, I do rock it pretty well!
  5. Thank you! Confidence is my middle name.
  6. Glad you noticed! I’m all about owning my vibe.
  7. I’m flattered! I do like to think I have a certain flair.
  8. Thanks! I’ve worked hard to be this fabulous.
  9. I appreciate that! My confidence is paying off.
  10. You’re not the first to notice. Confidence is key!

Humble Responses

  1. Oh, that’s nice of you to say. I’m just doing my best!
  2. Thanks! I stay grounded and appreciate the kind words.
  3. I’m flattered, but I think everyone has something special about them.
  4. That’s very kind of you. I’m just a regular person trying to be kind.
  5. I appreciate the compliment. I’m just glad you think so!
  6. Thanks a lot! I’m just happy to be myself.
  7. Wow, thank you. I don’t think I’m anything special, but I appreciate it!
  8. That’s sweet of you to say. I’m just here, doing my thing.
  9. Thanks! I’m just grateful for the positive feedback.
  10. I’m touched. I’m just trying to be a good person.

Cheeky Responses

  1. Oh, you’re just trying to butter me up, aren’t you? 😉
  2. Keep those compliments coming; I’m not complaining!
  3. I see you’re trying to win me over with flattery. It’s working!
  4. Is this your way of trying to impress me? It’s working!
  5. Be careful; I might always expect this level of praise!
  6. A compliment a day keeps the doubts away, huh? Keep it up!
  7. Oh, you’re just saying that because you want something from me!
  8. I guess I’ll have to start charging for compliments at this rate!
  9. You’re quite the smooth talker. What else have you got up your sleeve?
  10. Wow, you’re laying it on thick! I’m flattered, though!

Deflecting Responses

  1. Thanks! But enough about me—what’s something cool about you?
  2. I appreciate that! So, what’s your favorite thing about yourself?
  3. That’s kind of you to say. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
  4. Thank you! But I’m more interested in getting to know you better.
  5. I’m flattered! What’s something interesting about you that I should know?
  6. Thanks! So, what’s something you’re passionate about?
  7. I appreciate that! Now tell me, what’s your secret talent?
  8. You’re sweet. Let’s shift the focus to something you enjoy doing!
  9. Thank you! Now, I’m curious—what’s your go-to hobby?
  10. That’s nice of you to say. So, what’s one thing you love about your life right now?

Curious Responses

  1. Thanks! What made you think of that?
  2. I appreciate the compliment. What’s something you find most interesting about me?
  3. That’s sweet of you! What’s your favorite thing about profiles like mine?
  4. Thanks! I’m curious—what drew you to say that?
  5. I’m flattered! What’s your favorite compliment you’ve ever given or received?
  6. Thanks! What caught your eye in my profile?
  7. I appreciate it! What’s something you look for in a match?
  8. That’s nice to hear. What’s something you think would make our conversation even better?
  9. Thank you! What’s your favorite way to give compliments?
  10. I’m glad you think so! What’s something unique about you that I should know?

Reciprocal Compliment Responses

  1. Thanks! I’ve got to say, your smile is pretty captivating too.
  2. I appreciate that! And you have great taste in profile pictures.
  3. Thanks a lot! Your sense of style stands out to me.
  4. I’m flattered! I was thinking the same about you.
  5. Thank you! I’ve been admiring your profile, too—it’s engaging.
  6. That’s sweet! I have to say, you’re looking pretty great yourself.
  7. Thanks! And I have to compliment you on your amazing profile bio.
  8. I appreciate it! You’ve got a great vibe going on yourself.
  9. Thanks! And I must admit, your sense of humor is charming.
  10. Thank you! I’m telling you how impressive your profile is.

Teasing Responses

  1. Oh, are you trying to win me over with flattery? It’s working!
  2. Well, aren’t you smooth? Keep up the good work!
  3. Be careful, or I might always start expecting this level of praise!
  4. Is that your best pick-up line? Because it’s making me smile!
  5. Oh, stop it! Or keep going—either way, I’m enjoying this.
  6. Wow, someone’s on a compliment spree today! What’s the occasion?
  7. Look at you, making me blush. What else do you have up your sleeve?
  8. You’re laying it on thick, aren’t you? I’m intrigued!
  9. I see you’re a pro at giving compliments. What’s your secret?
  10. Are you trying to charm me or just keep me entertained? Because it’s working either way!

Charming Responses

  1. Thank you! You have a way with words that’s quite enchanting.
  2. I appreciate that. You’ve got a knack for making someone feel special.
  3. You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you? I’m flattered!
  4. Thanks! Your compliment just made my day a little brighter.
  5. You’re making it hard not to smile. Thanks for that!
  6. I’m touched. Your words have a way of adding a little sparkle to the day.
  7. Thank you! You’ve got a way of making people feel good about themselves.
  8. That’s very kind of you. You’re adding some charm to this conversation.
  9. I appreciate your kind words. You’re winning me over with your charm.
  10. Thanks! Your compliment was as delightful as it was unexpected.

Mysterious Responses

  1. Thanks! Maybe there’s more to me than meets the eye.
  2. I appreciate that. Who knows what other surprises I might have?
  3. That’s very kind of you. But what else are you curious about?
  4. Thanks! I like to keep a few things under wraps. Care to find out more?
  5. I’m glad you think so. There might be a few mysteries left to uncover.
  6. Thank you! You’ll have to stick around to see what other surprises I might have.
  7. I appreciate the compliment. There’s always more beneath the surface, don’t you think?
  8. Thanks! Sometimes, the best things are the ones left a little mysterious.
  9. I’m flattered. But there’s still a lot you don’t know about me.
  10. Thank you! I’m a bit of a mystery, but isn’t that part of the fun?

Funny Responses

  1. Thanks! I’ll try to live up to the hype, but no promises!
  2. Well, that’s one way to get me to keep talking!
  3. A compliment a day keeps the doctor away, right? Keep them coming!
  4. You’re making me laugh—was that your plan all along?
  5. Wow, with compliments like that, I might start expecting a fan club!
  6. Thanks! I’m just here trying to be as awesome as my profile makes me look.
  7. I appreciate it! Are you a professional flatterer or just having a good day?
  8. Oh, stop it! You’re going to make me think I’m cool or something.
  9. Thanks! If you keep this up, I might need to start charging for compliments.
  10. Wow, you’re laying it on thick. Are you trying to bribe me for a date?

Sincere Responses

  1. Thank you so much. Your words genuinely mean a lot to me.
  2. I appreciate that more than you know. It’s nice to hear.
  3. That’s kind of you. Thank you for making me feel special.
  4. Your compliment truly made my day. I’m grateful for your kindness.
  5. Your words touch me. Thank you for your sincerity.
  6. Thank you! It’s refreshing to hear something so genuine.
  7. I appreciate your kind words. It’s nice to be seen like that.
  8. Your compliment resonates with me. Thank you for that.
  9. Thank you so much. It’s nice to hear such heartfelt praise.
  10. I’m grateful for your compliment. It’s the little things like this that brighten my day.

Sarcastic Responses

  1. Oh great, another compliment. Where’s my trophy?
  2. Wow, you’re pulling out all the stops. Should I start expecting a parade?
  3. Thanks. I’ll add that to the collection of compliments I’m never going to use.
  4. Oh, fantastic. I needed a little more flattery in my life.
  5. Well, aren’t you a master of compliments? Should I be impressed or just confused?
  6. Oh, wonderful. Just what I needed—a compliment from a stranger.
  7. Great, now I’m supposed to be flattered. What’s next, a standing ovation?
  8. Oh, perfect. I was about to put ‘expert in giving compliments’ on my resume.
  9. Wow, you’re going all out. I’m just trying to keep up with the praise.
  10. Thanks! I’ll put that right next to the other compliments I don’t know what to do with.

Challenging Responses

  1. Thanks! Now, how about you show me something equally impressive?
  2. I appreciate that. But can you keep up with this level of charm?
  3. Flattery is nice, but what’s the best you’ve got to impress me?
  4. Thanks! Now, let’s see if you can keep this up in conversation.
  5. I’m flattered. But I’m curious—what’s your next move?
  6. Thanks! I’m intrigued—what else can you bring to the table?
  7. You’re laying it on thick! Do you think you can top that with a great story?
  8. I appreciate it! Now, let’s see if you can live up to your hype.
  9. Thanks! So, what’s something you’re passionate about that’ll impress me even more?
  10. That’s a nice compliment. Now, show me what else you’ve got!

Short and Sweet Responses

  1. Thanks!
  2. I appreciate it!
  3. Thanks a lot!
  4. That’s sweet, thanks!
  5. Thanks! 😊
  6. They are much appreciated!
  7. Thank you!
  8. Thanks! You’re kind.
  9. Thanks for that!
  10. I’m grateful, thanks!

Deflective with a Compliment Back

  1. Thanks! But I’ve got to say, you’re looking pretty great yourself.
  2. I appreciate that! And your profile is intriguing.
  3. Thanks! You’ve got a great sense of style in your pictures.
  4. That’s nice of you! I have to compliment you on your smile, too.
  5. I’m flattered! And I have to say, you’ve got an engaging profile.
  6. Thank you! I think you’ve got a pretty awesome vibe going on yourself.
  7. I appreciate the compliment! And your profile caught my eye.
  8. Thanks! I’m telling you how impressive your profile is.
  9. That’s very kind! And I must say, you’ve got great taste in photos.
  10. Thanks! I’ve been meaning to say your profile looks pretty amazing, too.

Confident and Playful Combo

  1. Thanks! I know I’m pretty amazing. But I’m curious—what else do you find impressive?
  2. Glad you noticed! If you think that’s good, wait until you get to know me better.
  3. I appreciate that! Confidence is my specialty, but I’m eager to hear your thoughts.
  4. Thanks! You have good taste. What’s one thing about you that’s equally awesome?
  5. Well, thank you! I’m confident but also interested in how you’ll keep up with this charm.
  6. Thanks! I do aim to impress. So, what else can you bring to this conversation?
  7. I’m flattered! If you think that’s impressive, wait to see what I can do next.
  8. I appreciate it! I’m confident enough to say I’m just getting started. What about you?
  9. Thanks! I’m all about confidence and fun. Now, let’s see what else you’ve got up your sleeve.
  10. You’re making me blush! And I’ve got to admit, I’m looking forward to seeing how you keep this playful energy going.

Thoughtful Responses

  1. Thank you! It’s nice to hear such kind words. What do you find most meaningful in conversations?
  2. I appreciate that. Compliments like yours make me feel seen. What’s something you value in people?
  3. Thanks! Your compliment touched me. What’s something you find important in getting to know someone?
  4. I’m grateful for your kind words. It’s nice to connect on this level. What’s something you’re passionate about?
  5. Thank you so much. The thoughtful compliments stand out. What are some things that make you feel appreciated?
  6. I appreciate your sincerity. It’s meaningful to hear such genuine feedback. What inspires you?
  7. Thanks! Your words are kind. What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself through these interactions?
  8. Thank you. I find thoughtful compliments impactful. What do you think makes a conversation truly memorable?
  9. Your compliment touches me. It’s nice to connect with someone who appreciates depth. What’s something you value in relationships?
  10. Thank you! Your thoughtfulness is refreshing. What are some qualities you look for in meaningful connections?

Best Practices for Responding to Compliments on Tinder

Now that we understand the importance of responding let’s discuss how to do it right. Here are some best practices for crafting the perfect response.

  • Stay Genuine and Authentic

The most important rule of thumb is to be yourself. If a compliment makes you feel good, let that show. A genuine response like “That’s so sweet of you, thank you!” feels more engaging than a simple “Thanks.” Authenticity is key on Tinder, where people often try to sift through superficial interactions to find something real.

  • Show Appreciation Without Overdoing It

It’s important to express gratitude, but there’s no need to go overboard. A heartfelt “Thank you, that’s nice to hear!” strikes a good balance. Over-complimenting back or sounding overly eager might make the conversation feel less natural.

  • Keep the Conversation Going

A compliment response can be the perfect segue into a deeper conversation. You can keep things flowing by asking a question or making a playful comment. For instance, if someone compliments your love of travel, you could say, “Thank you! Have you been anywhere exciting recently?”

  • Asking Open-Ended Questions

One of the best ways to keep the conversation going is by asking open-ended questions. These invite others to share more about themselves and keep the dialogue active. For example, “Thanks for the compliment on my bio! What’s something interesting about you that’s not in your profile?”

How to Respond to Specific Types of Compliments

Different compliments call for different responses. Here’s how to handle various types of compliments on Tinder.

  • Responding to Compliments on Your Looks

When someone compliments your appearance, feel free to accept it graciously. For example, if they say, “You have gorgeous eyes,” you could respond with, “Thank you! That’s very sweet of you.” If you want to add a flirty twist, you could follow up with, “What’s the first thing you noticed in my profile?”

  • Responding to Compliments on Your Profile or Bio

If someone compliments something specific in your bio, they’ve probably taken the time to read it, so acknowledge that effort. A response like, “Thanks! I spent way too much time trying to sum myself up in a few lines. What caught your eye?” adds a personal touch and keeps the conversation light.

  • Responding to Compliments on Your Personality

Compliments on your personality can be more meaningful. If someone says, “You seem like such a fun person!” you could respond with, “Thank you! I try to enjoy life. What do you do for fun?” This opens the door for more conversation around shared interests.

Dos and Don’ts of Responding to Compliments on Tinder

There are some unwritten rules for responding to compliments on Tinder. Here are a few dos and don’ts to keep in mind.

Dos of Responding to Compliments

  • Do be gracious: Always acknowledge the compliment with a thank you.
  • Keep the conversation going: Follow up with a question or comment to keep the dialogue alive.
  • Be yourself: Authenticity is attractive, so don’t try to be someone you’re not.

Don’ts of Responding to Compliments

  • Don’t overthink it: Compliments are meant to be light and fun, so don’t stress over your response.
  • Don’t downplay yourself: Avoid self-deprecating humor or dismissing the compliment. Own it!
  • Don’t feel pressured to respond: You don’t have to engage if a compliment makes you uncomfortable.

Handling Overly Aggressive or Inappropriate Compliments

Not all compliments are flattering. Sometimes, they can cross the line into uncomfortable territory. Here’s how to handle those situations.

  • Recognizing Red Flags

If someone’s compliment feels too forward or inappropriate, trust your gut. Red flags are comments that make you feel uncomfortable, objectified, or disrespected. It’s okay to back out of the conversation or set boundaries.

  • Setting Boundaries in Your Response

A polite but firm response can work wonders. For instance, “I appreciate the compliment, but let’s keep things respectful, okay?” lets the other person know you’re not interested in crossing certain lines.

What to Do If You Don’t Feel Comfortable Responding

There will be times when a compliment leaves you feeling awkward or unsure. That’s okay! Here’s how to handle it.

  • Gracefully Exiting the Conversation

If you don’t feel like responding, exiting the conversation gracefully is perfectly fine. A simple “Thanks, I appreciate that!” followed by a change of topic or even ending the chat is acceptable.

  • Reporting and Blocking If Necessary

If someone’s compliments make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, don’t hesitate to block or report them. Tinder has features to protect users from harassment; prioritizing your comfort is always better.

Responding to Compliments in a Fun and Confident Manner

Confidence is attractive, and adding a bit of humor can make your response even more engaging.

  • Using Humor in Your Responses

Humor is a great way to lighten the mood and show off your personality. If someone says, “You look amazing in that photo,” you could respond with, “Thanks! That’s what I tell myself every morning in the mirror!”

  • Balancing Confidence and Humility

While confidence is important, balance it with humility. Responding with something like, “Thank you! I try to stay humble, but compliments like that make it tough!” keeps things lighthearted without appearing arrogant.

How to Keep the Conversation Flowing After Responding to a Compliment

Compliments are a great conversation starter, but what comes next is equally important.

  • Tying Your Response Back to Your Profile or Interests

For example, if someone compliments your passion for photography, use that as a segue into a deeper conversation. “Thank you! Photography is a big part of my life. Do you have any hobbies you’re passionate about?”

  • Introducing New Topics for Discussion

Compliments open the door, but introducing new topics keeps the conversation interesting. After responding to a compliment, you can steer the chat towards shared interests or ask about their experiences.

How to Stand Out with Your Compliment Responses

Making your responses stand out can leave a lasting impression.

  • Personalizing Your Responses

Personalizing your response shows you’re engaged and not just sending cookie-cutter replies. If someone compliments your love of dogs, respond with something specific like, “Thanks! Do you have any pets? I’ve got a Golden Retriever who thinks he’s the king of the house.”

  • Avoiding Generic Replies

Steer clear of generic replies like “thanks” or “appreciate it.” Instead, add a little flair. For example, “Thanks! I’m curious: what’s the first thing that caught your eye in my profile?”

When Silence Is a Response: Knowing When Not to Reply

Not every compliment deserves a response, and that’s okay.

  • Trusting Your Gut

If a compliment feels off or makes you uncomfortable, trust your instincts. Silence can be a powerful response when you’re unsure how to proceed.

  • Letting Go of Uncomfortable Conversations

If a conversation isn’t flowing naturally, it’s okay to let it go. You’re not obligated to continue talking just because someone complimented you.

How to Practice Responding to Compliments

Getting better at responding to compliments takes practice, and that’s perfectly normal.

  • Trying Out Different Approaches

Experiment with different responses to see what feels right for you. You may prefer flirty responses or are more comfortable keeping things casual. The more you practice, the easier it will become.

  • Learning from Your Interactions

Every interaction on Tinder is an opportunity to learn. Pay attention to what responses get the best reactions and use that feedback to fine-tune your approach.


In conclusion, mastering the art of responding to compliments on Tinder can significantly enhance your online dating experience, making your interactions more engaging and memorable. Whether aiming to keep the conversation light and playful or delve into deeper connections, having a range of responses at your disposal is invaluable. If you’re looking to refine your approach even further, 

consider exploring our guide on:
How to Respond to Compliments on Tinder: 200+ Responses

Check it Out Here.


Q. What if I feel awkward responding to compliments on Tinder?
It’s normal to feel awkward, but a simple “Thank you, that’s sweet!” can go a long way. Keep it light, and don’t overthink it.

Q. How can I keep the conversation interesting after receiving a compliment?
Follow up your response with an open-ended question or introduce a new topic to keep things engaging.

Q. Is it okay to ignore compliments on Tinder?
Yes, if a compliment makes you uncomfortable or uninterested, it’s okay to ignore it or politely end the conversation.

Q. What should I do if someone gives me a backhanded compliment on Tinder?
Backhanded compliments can be tricky. You can address them directly with humor or choose not to engage if you feel they are disrespectful.

Q. How do I respond to compliments that feel too forward?
If a compliment feels too forward, set boundaries by politely redirecting the conversation or stating that you’d prefer to keep things respectful.

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